The definition of cytoskeleton is divided into two types: narrow and broad. The former is a general term for microfilaments , microtubules and intermediate fibers . They are found in the cytoplasm and are also called " cytoplasmic skeletons " . The latter further comprises an extracellular matrix (extracellular matrix), nuclear matrix (nucleoskeleton) and lamin (nuclear lamina). The cytoskeleton is one of the material basis for intracellular movement, organelle fixation, cell maintenance, signal transduction and cell division.
Signal molecule binds to the membrane receptors, or activated protein coupled receptor - G protein large, or the first receptor tyrosine kinase activation, reactivation small G protein Ras downstream. The G protein is a large family, including small families such as Rho , Rac , and Ras , which act as signal transduction switches in cells. When they are combined with GDP , they are inactive. With the help of the guanine exchange factor (English: Guaninexchangefactor , GEF for short), the G protein leaves the GDP and combines with GTP to enter the activation state. GTP G protein is activated GTP enzyme protein (English GTPase-activatingproteins, referred to as GAP) hydrolysis, and wherein the release of energy, protein G so to exercise its function. That is, the G protein swirls in the activation / inactivation state through this GTP/GDP cycle, transmitting a signal. When the G protein is activated, multiple molecules downstream of it are activated. These downstream molecules themselves form networks that are mutually constrained or complementary. They regulate every aspect of cell migration. See the corresponding chapters in the article for details on their role.
The signal molecules involved in this signal transduction mainly include:
Sema1a, PlexinA, Mical, Integrin Recaptor , Src, Paxillin, FAK, PI3K, PI3Kα, GRB2, GEF, Ras, P130, GIT1, GIT2, PIP2, PIP3, Cofilin, Crk, PIX, TIAM1, Vav, MEKK, Cartactin, WAVE , PI5K , ROCK , RTK , PLCβ , PLCγ , Nck , WASP , CaM , GPCR , PKA , PKCα , Fascin , Ena , VASP , PIX , cdc42 , Filamin , MEK , MLCK , RhoGEF , Rho , ROCK , mDIA , MBS , Profilin , MLC, Arp2, Arp3, IP3 , CaM, LIMK, PKD1, Calcineurin, SSH, 14-3-3ζ, CIN, Cofilin, Hsp90, Gelsolin, ADF, CapZ, Tmod, Tropomyosins and so on.
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Shandong Shengli Bioengineering Co., Ltd ,