Five look
1. Look at the age of the trees. Saplings and early fruit trees should have a small amount of pruning, and the degree of pruning should be light. Attention should be paid to the cultivation of tree types and fruiting branches. In the fruit period, trees should be properly cut and the rotation should be taken care of; the senescent tree should be cut and renewed. .
2. Look at the amount of flower buds. The amount of fruit trees with a large amount of flower buds should be larger and the degree of pruning should be increased. Strictly control the total amount of flower buds and the proportion of flowers and leaf buds, and the ratio of flowers and leaf buds is generally 1:20. For young trees with fewer flower buds, flower buds should be lightly cut, and branches and branches without flower buds should be renewed.
3. Look at the tree. Strong wang trees should be lightly trimmed to stand upright and strong branches, leaving lateral branches and mean tree branches, in order to ease tree vigor, and then promote the formation of flower buds; weak trees to prune, cut off weak branches and drooping branches, update the aging results Zhizu group .
4. See variety characteristics. The varieties with strong sprouting ability and strong branching ability, such as Fuji and Guoguang, are likely to cause canopy closure, poor light in the inner canopy, and a large amount of pruning.
5. See cultivation management conditions. Trees with good soil, fertilizer, and water management, and trees with strong trees should be lightly pruned; on the contrary, trees with poor slopes and poor management should have more pruning, and the degree of pruning should be heavier and less sparse.
Four attention
1. Do not wear hard-soled shoes during winter cuts, especially leather shoes, big shoes, and nail shoes. It is advisable to wear rubber shoes and cloth shoes.
2. When using artificial support, pulling branches and other methods to open the angle, you can not use too much force, too large, you must first take the branch to soften, so as not to fold and pull the branches.
3. To do so while cutting edge saws disinfection. Commonly used drugs are 10 times Guo Kangbao, 30 times liquid 9281 and 3 Baume degrees lime sulfur agent.
4. Cut off pests and branches.
The human tongue has a range of specific taste sensation neural receptors called taste receptors which are organized mainly as papillae on the tongue. When stimulated by chemicals, natural or synthetic, organic or inorganic, cations or anions, the receptors send signals to the brain which interprets the stimulations as sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and savory (unami, meaty taste). For examples, cations such as Na+ present in the table salt evoke the salty taste, and H+ presents in acids evokes a sour taste. Organic compounds such as sugars, dextrins and glycerol result in sweet taste, glutamate results in savory taste, while many toxic compounds such as nicotine, morphine, caffeine, quinine, etc. result in bitter taste. The sensation of tastes is an evolution trait for defense against poisons (normally evoke bitter taste), and for allowance of nutrients intake (normally evoke sweet or savory taste).
Sugar is a natural sweetener as well as a nutrient consumed in vast quantity around the world. It is one of the major calorie intakes by humans. Over consumption of sugar often leads to obesity and other related medical conditions. High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) is a manifestation of the disease diabetic mellitus; if not managed properly, it could lead to a range of medical complications. To combat these medical conditions, high potency Sweeteners with no calorie or low calorie intake are often being used to substitute sugar. Proper control of calorie intake, coupled with the use of these sugar substitutes has been very effective in managing the medical conditions.
Besides the medical indications, using sugar substitutes brings the economic benefit of lowering the cost of many foods and consumer products, from soft drinks to cakes, pasties, and even toothpastes.
A variety of chemical compounds, natural or synthetic, can evoke sweet taste, but not all of them are safe (for example lead acetate has a sweet taste but it is extremely toxic), nor are sweet taste specific (for examples, many of synthetic sweeteners can also evoke other senses of taste such as bitterness or metallic sensation). Therefore, selection of the right sweetener for a specific use depends not only on the cost, but also more importantly on the health and safety, the sweetening potency, the effectiveness under various physical conditions such as cooking temperature (heat stability) and pH, as well as other unwanted tense of tastes of the sweetener.
At Sunshine Biotech, we have the expertise and technical know-hows to help you make the right selection for the right use.
Artificial Sweetener,Stevia Liquid,Aspartame Powder,Neotame Powder
Nanjing Sunshine Biotech Co., Ltd ,