In many parts of China, the breeding of aquaculture is now taking place. This has not only solved the pollution of poultry manure, the use of idle land and surplus labor, but also has considerable economic benefits. However, due to the neglect of the prevention and treatment of cesium poisoning , causing serious production losses. Tianjin Li Ninghe County, purchase and sale of aquaculture farm Jia Liming found that the common cause of earthworm poisoning two kinds of situations: First, chemical pollution, such as trampoline or container filled with pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals and other pollution. Poisoning occurs. The body's mucous secretion increased, the corpus callosum flexed, thickened and short, and the link was swollen and then died. The second is protein poisoning: This is mainly caused by high protein content in quail feeds, such as blindly feeding with high nitrogen content, lame feces, etc., or insufficient fermentation. The disease manifests itself as curly body, deformation, and peristalsis. , local swelling or necrosis. The prevention and control method is as follows: For chemical poisoning, only timely withdrawal of pollutants, or the rapid adoption of conservation, minimize production losses. In order to avoid protein poisoning, straw, wheat straw, rotten leaves, etc. must be combined in a high-nitrogen feed and fully fermented.
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