Release date: 2010-03-30
A recent study in the UK shows that if AIDS patients receive a combination of currently available antiretroviral therapy, a simple and inexpensive drug, sulfamethoxazole, can significantly reduce mortality in the early stages of treatment.
Researchers at Imperial College of the United Kingdom report in a new issue of the Lancet medical journal that long-term follow-up studies of more than 3,000 AIDS patients in countries such as Uganda in Africa have shown that if they receive antiretroviral at the outset At the same time, the compound sulfamethoxazole was used, and the mortality rate in the 12 weeks decreased by 59%. After that, the mortality rate in the 72 weeks decreased by 44%.
Researcher Charles Gilkes told the media that because the drug is cheap, it can save the lives of thousands of AIDS patients if used widely.
According to reports, the use of compound sulfamethoxazole to treat AIDS has been affirmed by the World Health Organization, but the current application range is not widespread. In addition, the drug has the effect of preventing malaria. Meditech Medical Network
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