Release date: 2016-08-12
Children who suffer from cerebral palsy may soon be able to use robots to help them rehabilitate their legs.
The 12-year-old Maggie Slessor is a cerebral palsy patient who can't walk properly. Now she goes to a local rehabilitation hospital every two weeks to receive adjuvant treatment from the robot.
She said: "When I show my photos to my friends, they feel so cool, I think I am a robot!" And she also felt that walking without a cane was great.
Slessor is participating in a project being studied at the University of Alberta in Canada to evaluate the role of a robotic footwork training system called "Lokomat" for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. The rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is not the same as that of adults, not only because children are smaller, but also consider their psychological motivations and attitudes, just as school education should consider.
This is the largest research project on evaluating the rehabilitation effect of robot-assisted cerebral palsy children.
The machine legs support the weight of the child's entire body and guide them through the normal walk. Research project leader Lesley Wiart said: "We are very interested in the system's ability to help restore walking ability. But at the same time we found that this system affects the confidence of the children involved, and they then undergo physical therapy at home or elsewhere. I am more confident."
Shannon Phelan of the University of Alberta explained: “Robot gait training is becoming more and more popular, especially for parents who are looking for the latest technology and treatments. We tend to think that children want to rely on Walk on your legs or use a robot, because it's cool. But this is not always the case. The key is to understand the children's real thoughts."
The entire project is expected to last for five years, including a review of at least 140 children. After all, good science takes a little more time.
Source: Sina
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