For cage culture of carp, 17.5 kg of fish is cultivated per square meter, and the economic benefit is 5 to 10 times that of grass carp and carp. The main technologies are as follows: 1. Set up cages, grading and rearing. Choose cages in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other waters with fresh water, high dissolved oxygen, and suitable pH values. Determine mesh size and cage area based on different growth stages of the river raft. Fry cage, mesh 0.8 cm to 1 cm, area 8 square meters; fish cage, mesh 1.5 cm to 2 cm, area 12 square meters to 14 square meters; adult fish cage, mesh 3 cm, length and width The height is 5 meters, 5 meters and 2.5 meters. Enclosed cages are generally used and the water depth is 2 meters. The squid often eats itself in the larvae, so it is the key to improve the survival rate of the river worm. When the fish is up to 10 centimeters in length, it is transferred into fish cages for rearing. When the body reaches 16.5 centimeters in length, it is transferred to adult fish cages for culture. Second, scientific ingredients, "four set" when the seedlings into the box, feeding fresh leeches and other live bait, it gradually adapt to cage environment. When the fish species reaches 5 cm to 7 cm, feeds that have been fine-processed and added with 10% to 15% fresh fish paste are fed to induce and acclimate. In addition to necessary nutrients, artificial bait should be supplemented with 1-2% of minerals and vitamin supplements. The crude protein content of the early feed was 50%, 45% in the medium term, and 40% in the later period. Fish meal, soybean meal, wheat, corn, blood meal, silkworm meal, etc. can be fed and fed 3 times to 5 times a day. There is nocturnal feeding habits in the river otters, and special attention should be paid to increasing feeding at night between 11:00 and 12:00. Feeding amount is 6% to 10% of fish's total weight when fish body length is 10 cm to 16 cm, and 3% to 5% of body length is 16 cm or more. Feeding should be timed, positioned, qualitative and quantitative. Third, strengthen management, prevention and treatment of fish disease as soon as possible put the seedling into the box. One furazolidone was added to each bag when shipping fry. After entering the box, check the cage regularly to prevent escape and theft. Clean the cage regularly to remove dirt and ensure the communication between the internal and external water bodies. Observe the eating and growth of fish every day. The growth rate is measured regularly. To strengthen prevention and control of fish diseases, body length 16 cm before insisting every 5 days to 10 days with 10ppm lime water spilled cage 1 to 2 times; body length 16cm per month with 15ppm lime water spilled once or twice. In the few days after the seedlings have been boxed, 0.5% to 1% of garlic or 0.05% to 0.1% of furazolidone must be mixed in the food every day. After every 10 days to 20 days, medication is applied once until the body length of fish is changed to 16 centimeters and once every month to February.
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