China's ban on the use of highly toxic pesticides list

List of pesticides that are prohibited from production, sales and use (33 species)

666, DDT, toxaphene, dibromochloropropane, insecticidal, dibromoethane, herbicidal ether, aldrin, dieldrin, mercury preparation, arsenic, lead, bifensulfide, fluoroacetamide , Fluorine fluoride, Tetramine, Sodium fluoroacetate, Tetramine, Methamidophos, Methyl parathion, Parathion, Monocrotophos, Phosphamidon, Benzene, Phosphorus, Methylthio Phosphorus, Calcium phosphide, Magnesium phosphide, Zinc phosphide, Thiophos-phosphorus, fly ash, phosphorus phosphatase, tert-butyl phosphide.

List of pesticides that cannot be used or restricted in vegetables, fruit trees, tea, and Chinese herbal medicines (17 species)

Phosphate, methylisophos-phorus, endophosphorus, carbofuran, aldicarb, pyrophosphate, thiophos-phorus, and chlorzophos-phosphate are prohibited from use on vegetables, fruit trees, tea, and Chinese herbal medicines. Prohibit the use of omethoate on cabbage and citrus trees; use of dicofol and fenvalerate on tea trees is prohibited; use of butyryl hydrazide (bijiu) is prohibited on peanuts; and the use of isocarbophos is prohibited on citrus trees; Dowi is used on citrus trees, apple trees, tea trees and cruciferous vegetables; use of endosulfan on apple trees and tea trees is prohibited; use of methyl bromide on strawberries and cucumbers is prohibited; and dry field seed coating agents other than sanitary and corn are used. In addition, the use of fipronil in other areas is forbidden.

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