Apple trees: Into the rainy season, high temperature and humidity, the thickening of the leaf curtain is conducive to the breeding of diseases and insect pests, and the spraying of pesticides should be thorough and careful. 1000 times of liquid pesticide spreading agent can be added to improve the control effect and prevent rainwater from scouring. In early July, spray 1:2:200-240 Bordeaux mixture or 400-500 times greener. In the middle and late July, spray 1-2 times of bactericide according to the rainfall, and select 50% carbendazim and 70% methyl. Topurazine and other systemic agents are sprayed immediately after the rain. Additives are added to enhance the efficacy of the drug, mainly to prevent and treat diseases such as early defoliation, ringworm, and anthrax. This month, apple rot occurred at its peak. It was found that after rot disease, the disease had to be scraped first, and then it was smeared with agents such as Guo Kangbao or Corbett. Combine 2.5% Kung Fu Chrysanthemum 2000 times or 25% Diflubenzuron No. 3 2000 times or 2% Qishensu 4000 times in combination with preventing and controlling diseases to control apple gold moth, red spider, two-spotted spider mite and pear flower netè½ è½ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ æœé²œ.
Pear trees: sprayed 1:2:200-240 Bordeaux mixture at the beginning of July and sprayed the fungicide every 10-15 days. The agent selected Tepazole 2000 times or 10% Difenoconazole 6000 solution or 70 generations. Manganese zinc 1000 times, to prevent pear scab, black spot, early defoliation. Combination of disease prevention should strengthen pest control, such as weather drought focus on the prevention and treatment of pear wood hoe, red and white spiders, Cornell mealybugs, optional avermectin and chlorpyrifos and other agents; if the weather is continuous rain and damp to focus on prevention and treatment of pear yellow meal, pharmaceutical Imidacloprid is used. If pear pears occur in the pear orchard, they can be controlled by pesticides such as cypermethrin.
Peach: July is the season of peach bacterial perforation, fruit scab, and anthrax. It is also the spawning period of peach borer, and the second and third generations of P. malodensis. The first adults of P. , Scale insect incubation period, peach leaf miner occurs. Peach tree disease prevention and control can be used zinc ash, dexamethasone 600 times, 50% carbendazim 600 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times alternately. The first prevention and treatment of borer pests is to use a variety of borer insects to predict insect pests, and the second is to use adulterants, larvae, and eggs to kill the combined agents for prevention and treatment, such as high chlorophenoxycarb, chlorpyrifos high chloride, and avigochlor. Treats the newly hatched larvae of scale insects. Prevention and control of leaf miners using diflubenzuron III 2000 times solution or 5% belluzure 2000 times solution.
Ginseng can improve the general condition of diabetic patients, but does not change the degree of hyperglycemia. In other words, ginseng can reduce urinary sugar and blood sugar in patients with mild diabetes mellitus by 40-50 mg, which can be maintained for more than two weeks after discontinuation of medication. Although the effect of reducing blood sugar in moderate diabetes mellitus patients is not obvious, most of the general conditions have improved, such as thirst disappeared or alleviated; some patients can reduce insulin consumption after taking ginseng.
Pseudo Ginseng,Pseudo-Ginseng Extractive,Pseudo Ginseng Tea,Pseudo Ginseng Flower
Lixian Spring Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,