A look at the weight of ducks in the egg production rate of more than 80%, while the weight of the duck slightly reduced the trend, should be fed at an appropriate time animal feed. Ducks gain weight and the body has a tendency to gain weight. However, when the egg production rate is still 80%, they can be appropriately fed with roughage and green feed or by controlling their feed intake to prevent the ducks from eating too much concentrate, but animal protein. Feeds should also maintain their original level or increase slightly. The body weight is normal, the egg production rate is also high, the protein level in the feed is slightly increased compared to the previous stage, the egg production rate is reduced to 60%, and when it is difficult to recover, there is no need for feeding.
Secondly, if the excrement of ducks is thick, loose and sticky, and the surface is lustrous, the ducks can be divided into several segments after they have been plucked with their feet, indicating that the fine, coarse, and green materials are reasonably matched. The excrement was small and solid, with a darker color. The section was grainy after dialing, indicating that the amount of concentrated feed was too little, the amount of green material was small, and the digestion and absorption were not normal. The feed amount of concentrate should be reduced and the green feed should be added. The feces are light in color and unshaped, and they are dispersed as soon as they are discharged, indicating that the concentrate feed is insufficient and the nutritional level is low. The concentrate should be supplemented. Feces are yellowish-white or gray-green with bad odor, indicating that the duck is ill and should be treated in isolation.
Thirdly, if the egg shape is abnormal and small, it indicates that the nutrition is insufficient. It is necessary to add feed rich in protein such as bean cakes, peanut cakes and fishmeal to raise the content of crude protein in the diet to 20%, and increase the total diet properly. the amount. Eggshell thinning, translucent, with trachoma, rough or soft shell, indicating poor feed quality, especially calcium deficiency or vitamin D deficiency, should add bone meal, shell powder, lime powder and other minerals and vitamin D rich feed . If the weight of eggs is reduced, cod liver oil and inorganic salt additives can be added. If the egg production time is concentrated at 2 am, it means that the feed is appropriate. If the egg production is delayed every day, and if the eggs become smaller, feed must be fed.
Fourth, look at the healthy ducks with a high rate of mental egg production. They are energetic and have a long dive time. When they go ashore, the feathers are smooth and wet, and when the hairs are shaken, they are splashed with water. If the duck is weak and unable to exercise, it will be afraid of the water after it is released, feathers will be wet after the water is poured, or even sink, indicating that the diet is undernourished. It is necessary to feed animal feed in a timely manner and make up the cod liver oil. Clean fish liver oil is preferred. Feed in the powder, feed each duck 1 ml per day, feed for 3 days and stop for 7 days as a course of treatment, can also feed 0.5 ml per day, continuous feeding for 10 days.
Pain Relief Patch For Neck Shoulder,Lower Back And Leg
Pain Relief Patch for neck shoulder, lower back and leg.
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for strains, sprains, cramp, bruises, swollen areas or joint stiffness.
[How To Use a Patch]
Tear off the packaging bag and remove the patch. Remove the protective film and apply the patch on the skin. One piece, one time. The curing effect of each piece can last for 8-12 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.
Pain Relief Patch,Pain Relief Pad,Pain Relief Plaster,Neck Pain Relief Patch,Back Pain Relief Pacth
Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. , https://www.xjpatches.com