Recall that in daily life you have thrown away a lot of things that are considered useless, such as throwing away fish scales when making fish, picking up the oranges when eating oranges, spit bones when eating ribs... Do not think that these are useless oh~~ If you think so, then you will be violent!
Fish eyes: Fish eyes, especially the tuna eyes of the tuna family, contain quite a lot of unsaturated fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). This natural material can enhance the brain's memory and thinking ability, and it will be of great help in preventing memory loss, cholesterol increase, high blood pressure and other diseases.
Fish phosphorus: nutritionists found that fish scales contain more lecithin, a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, also contains a variety of minerals, especially high calcium and phosphorus content, is a special health products. It can enhance human memory, delay the aging of brain cells, reduce the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessel walls, promote blood circulation, and prevent hypertension and heart disease. In addition, it can prevent rickets in children, osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly.
Orange: When many people eat oranges, after stripping the orange peel, they always have to pull the white meridian of the appearance of the orange petals. In fact, Orange contains a vitamin called "Luding" that can maintain the normal elasticity and density of blood vessels, reduce the brittleness and permeability of blood vessel walls, and prevent bleeding from capillaries, cerebral hemorrhage and diabetes in hypertensive patients. People have retinal hemorrhage. For those who have a tendency to have bleeding, especially those with a tendency to sclerotherapy, it is more beneficial to use orange juice.
Bones: Bone nutrition is better than meat. Under the microscope, there are numerous sponge-like pores in the wall of calcium-based layers, which are rich in nutrients. Comparing the nutrition of pork bones with fresh pork, its protein, iron, sodium and energy are much higher than fresh meat. Its protein is 23% higher than milk powder, twice that of pork, 61% higher than beef, more than double the number of eggs; as far as phosphorus and calcium content are concerned, it is unmatched by other foods. What is especially rare is that its nutrient content is more easily absorbed by the body than plant foods.
Pepper leaf: Pepper leaf is rich in calcium, carotene, vitamins and other nutrients, and its sweet and fresh taste, good taste. It can be used alone as a dish, or with meat, and soup. Eat pepper leaves can play a cold warm stomach, Liver eyesight, weight loss beauty. In addition, the appropriate amount of pepper leaves can promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, apply to weak stomach, indigestion, flatulence, stomach cold and so on.
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