1. Storage of garlic sprouts, garlic sprouts and fresh garlic heads 1 Ice cellar storage: Choose a closed cell or cellar in the basement. The bottom of the cellar should communicate with water outside the house. The floor of the house is paved with ice with a thickness of 0.8 meters and the wall is iced with a thickness of 0.5 meters. Stop at the roof. Garlic seedlings or garlic pods are bundled in 1 kilogram into a plastic film bag, 15 kilograms per bag. The external ropes are bundled into the pit and stacked. One layer is filled with ice slag and piled up to about 2 meters from the roof. Stop and put a layer of ice on top of it, then spread 1 meter of rice husk on top to prevent ice from melting. This will allow garlic to be stored for more than six months. 2 Into the non-toxic plastic bag for short-term storage: garlic sprouts to prevent fracture aging and rot, before the bagging, the fracture will be placed in 10% saline solution and sterilized. After the bag is filled, the air is sealed and the bag is vacuum packed. Check once every half month, open the bag mouth and vent once to adjust the gas composition in the bag. 2, dry garlic storage 1 hanging method: choose no loose petals, garlic with a false stem, bundled together for every 100 head, hanging inside and outside the room to ventilate shelter from rain. Can be stored for more than six months. 2 heap method: After harvest, leave the stems and roots, dried and ventilated dry place, can be stored for about six months. 3 Qingxinsu storage method: Using a 1% solution of Qingxinsu, spraying garlic stems and leaves 1 to 2 weeks before harvesting garlic can inhibit garlic germination and prolong the storage period. 4 Scab buried method: in the storage box or basket at the bottom of a layer of about 2 cm thick crust, then a layer of garlic a layer of crust, layered to 5 cm from the mouth of the container, covered with suede. In this way, using a suede to maintain a relatively stable temperature, reducing the oxygen, increasing the carbon dioxide, inhibiting the respiration of garlic, can extend the storage period.
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