First, management before delivery. After the puppy grows and develops to a certain period, the male dog produces sperm with fertilizing ability. The female dog discharges the mature egg. The other accessory organs are fully developed. This is called sexual maturity. However, sexual maturation does not mean reaching the age at which it can breed, because the dog body is not yet fully developed and estrus. The female dog in early estrus was swollen and vulva, and blood was excreted with mucus and began to feel restless. After 7 to 9 days, enter the estrus period. After the estrus of older dogs, the color of the bloody secretions of the dogs became noticeably lighter, showing anxiety and climbing over other female dogs. When the male dog climbed across the mating, he actively collapsed his waist, and the tail squatted to one side to receive mating. This period can be Continue for 6 to 10 days. Ovulation is usually in the estrus period 1 to 2 days. When the bloody discharge is discharged for 9 to 12 days (ie, 2 to 4 days of estrus), the female and male dogs are brought into the mating site (no other dog's site) and allowed to naturally mate. Generally, mating can be performed, but in order to improve fertility The rate will be reassigned once every other day or the following day. Mating time to choose the best female dog is best in the morning, the general mating time is 15 to 20 minutes. The dog's gestation period is 62 days (58-64 days). Early diagnosis of pregnancy is more difficult, but in 15 to 20 days the dog can see redness and swelling of the chest, can be considered pregnant. After 40 days, the waist is getting bigger, not moving, and the weight and appetite increase. At this time, the feed should be increased appropriately. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention so that the pregnant dog can guarantee a certain amount of activity every day. When the female dog was near childbirth, the vulva and breasts were swollen and congested. The white colostrum could be squeezed out. There was a watery fluid flow out of the vaginal opening and there was a small amount of bleeding. The day before delivery, the rectal temperature generally decreased by 0.5 to 1.0°C. After delivery, bite the umbilical cord and remove the mucus. The female dog can take care of herself. However, if there is a lot of births, delivery can be assisted. After the puppies are born, quickly wipe the mucus in the mouth and body with a dry towel to promote breathing, ligate the umbilical cord (2 cm in root) with sterile velvet, cut off from the ligation site with scissors, and apply 5% sulfonone. Then feed the puppies into the farrowing box. The temperature should be kept at 25°C. After all the animals have been delivered, they will be sent back to the female dog's arms. Second, feeding and management of puppies. The main nursing work of Tsai's newly born baby is thermal insulation, pressure-proof, colostrum, fixed teat, timely rehydration and feeding. 1. Insulation is the key to improve the survival rate. Because the environment changes after one week of birth, the puppies have fewer coats, less skin fat, incomplete development of the cerebral cortex, poor body temperature regulation, so we must pay attention to insulation . 2. There are no antibodies in the dog's body, and the colostrum secreted by the female dog within three days after the birth is rich in various antibodies, so the dog should eat enough colostrum. 3, if the female dog more than one child, often will take advantage of weak food, dog development uneven phenomenon, it should be artificially fixed teats, especially thin young dogs, they must help them find more milk sucking nipples. 4. As the puppies need more and more milk, the amount of lactation in the female dog is already in short supply. Milk is better for fresh milk. Gradually add eggs, minced meat, porridge, etc.
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