First, choose a good breed of pigs: select breeds of pigs to breed. It is a prerequisite for raising the sow's farrowing rate. The conditions that a sow must have. That is, the characteristics of the species. With the sow's appearance, nipple 6-7 pairs. Evenly distributed, limbs to be strong. The temperament must be gentle. The province's fine local breeds include Fuzhou black pigs, Putian black pigs, and Fuan flower pigs, as well as Taihu pigs imported from other provinces. These local pig breeds have strong adaptability and early maturation. There are many farrowing animals, and the crossbreeding with the sows introduced by Duroc is very effective. The gilt cannot be used early. Should be reached in weight, age, and estrus 2-3 times before breeding. Prevention of early mating is due to the fact that the initial weight and age of sows are positively related to the survival rate of piglets and the weaning weight of piglets. Second, early weaning piglets: early weaning can make sows early estrus, early mating, increase the number of sows born fetus and litter size. Piglets lactation metabolism is strong. Through the scientific method to activate the development of digestive glands of piglets, exercise the digestive function of piglets. The goal of early weaning can be achieved. The specific approach is to choose to start eating and attracting at 7-8 days of age. That is to say, Dachangkang 311S or 311 suckling pig feed is placed in the feeding room, and the piglets are adjusted to feed the suckling pig feed. If the piglets start not to eat. The piglet can be forcibly fed into the piglet for 1-2 hours. Either wipe the piglet in the mouth of the piglet and let it learn to feed as early as possible. At this time, the piglets began to have teeth and like to squawk. The suckling pigs won't pick up other foreign materials and dirt, and they also learn to eat. At the age of 28 days, a weaning method was used for weaning. Weaning sows will be transferred to empty homes. Piglets stay in the original bar. Eat the original sucker feed and control it appropriately to provide organic acids, enzyme preparations, and electrolysis. Intramuscular injection of 0.1% nitrous acid, sodium 1.0 ml. Allows the piglet to adapt to the conversion of the milk and prevent the growth from being hindered. Speed ​​up the development of digestive organs. Freshly weaned piglets are greedy for hunger. At this time, their digestive abilities are poor. They can easily cause digestive tract food and diarrhea. Feeding small amounts of feed at the initial stage, keeping wells clean, and training the pigs to excrete urine in a fixed place. Third, timely breeding: timely mating male and female sows is the key factor to determine the number of sows can be conceived and the number of litter, most sows have estrus in piglets 7 days after weaning, some healthy sows may be weaning There is estrus after 3-4 days. Therefore, it is best to start checking the estrus situation or drive the boar to the sow house 3 days after weaning, which stimulates the estrus to become ideal. For sows that are still estrus after 10 days, the following methods can be used to stimulate them: First, sows will not be fed with estrus. 5-6 heads per column, then reduce the feed to 50% or not feed and drinking water throughout the day, making it estrus normally after 3-5 days under stress; the other method is during the stress period , Bring boars near sows. Let it smell the smell of the boar, thus urging the breeding response, so that it will be twice a day sooner or later. Can be estrus for 2-3 consecutive days. If still invalid, the last injection of some aphrodisiac drugs, such as clomaprolol intramuscular injection of 2 ml, aphrodisiac effect is better, 3 days after the injection began to heat, mating smooth normal pregnancy. Different breeds, ages, and individual sows have different timings of ovulation. Therefore, breeding time varies from pig to pig, and local pig breeds must be prepared early. The introduction of pig breeds should be late, and hybrid pigs should be included. As far as the sow's age is concerned, "the old match is early and late. It's not old or middle." Specifically. The old sow is bred 25 hours after the start of oestrus, and the new sow is bred 35 hours after oestrus, generally using repeated breeding methods. That is, 10 hours after mating, the other boars of the same species are re-matched, which can increase fertility rate, litter size and uniformity. This is also true if artificial insemination is used. If a pig farm wants to have a sow estrus on a balanced basis every month throughout the year, mating, littering, and weaning, the use of drugs to control estrus is still in the exploratory stage, and the only practical and effective way is to wean the animals from the same period. Set about. Cause natural estrus in the same period. Because the sows within one week after weaning can be estrus. With the same period of weaned sows, there will be estrus, breeding, and litter at the same period, sow breeding season can be arranged at this time, the best breeding in the spring 4-5 months, 8-9 months of litter; 9-10 months breeding , In the next year l-2 months of litter; 2-3 months again breeding. 6-7 months of litter, so cyclical. Sows can be bred in spring and autumn. This avoids cold winters and hot summers and increases the reproductive rate of sows and the survival rate of piglets. IV. Feeding before sow mating: Sows will be estrus 3 to 10 days after weaning. At this time, they can be bred. Additional feed should be given 10 days before breeding. For example, if 2 kg of feed should be fed daily, it should be changed to Three kilograms to increase the number and quality of their ovulation play a decisive role in improving the fertilization rate and promoting the development of fertilized eggs. In short, the postpartum sow must not be too thin, otherwise it will delay the heat, and even less susceptible to pregnancy, the number of ovulation is less, on the contrary. Do not make it too fat and cause no heat. Fives. Maintain a good environment: A good environment is a guarantee for healthy growth and development of piglets. Environmental factors include temperature, humidity, ventilation, water and feed supply levels, and herd density and training methods. The pigs are afraid of heat and cold. The pig houses must be cool in winter and cool in summer, not more than 29°C in summer, 23°C in winter piglets, and 60%-80% suitable humidity in pigs. Natural ventilation should be good to prevent thieves from attacking mothers. Piglets; light, should be suitable, piglets often thirsty 3-5 days after feeding, to provide adequate drinking water in line with the standards of drinking, water, add a little citric acid and other probiotics to prevent diarrhea in piglets. There should be no stagnant water in the pig house to prevent the piglets from diarrhoea due to the sewage. To properly match the feed, often remove food trough leftovers to prevent moldy feed. At the same time, through training, piglets develop the habit of eating, defecation and sleeping. In addition, injections should be made according to the piglet immunization program to periodically repel the parasites in the body and the outside.
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