Generally when more than half of the pepper seeds are germinated to dew, they should be sown. If the seeds cannot be sown immediately because of bad weather or other reasons, the exposed seeds should be wrapped in a damp cloth and sent to a refrigerator in a refrigerator. Under the temperature condition of 5-10°C or lower, the growth of buds should be inhibited by low temperature. When the conditions are right, remove the seeds. After removing the seeds from the refrigerator, they should be wrapped with cotton and slowly heated at room temperature. After 1 to 2 hours, the quilts should be opened again for sowing.
Imported Premium Matting Powder
Matting powder is a new type of matting agent for leather repair made of polyacrylamide and film forming material. Used for repairing dark and light color surface and deep leather grain surface with strong covering power and good repairing effect. When used, it does not need to be used in combination with other soft peeling materials. It can be directly used for "brush coating" or "dot coating" repair, which simplifies the original use method. Manufacturing technology is simple, raw materials are easy to obtain, easy to form mass production and popularization application, to meet the needs of the leather industry. It can be divided into oily matting powder and water matting powder. It is widely used in emulsion paint, exterior and interior paint, alkyd resin paint and polyester paint systems. In the application of coating and paint, it can control the surface gloss of the film evenly, increase the wear resistance and scratch resistance of the film, dehumidify, deodorize, purify the air, sound insulation, waterproof and heat insulation, permeability.
Matting Powder,Imported Premium Matting Powder,Ink Brightener And Thickener,Emulsifier For Cosmetics
Xingbang High Molecular Materials Co., Ltd. ,