The research results of the International Chicken Genome Project and the genetic polymorphism of domestic chickens will vigorously promote the research and application of chicken system biology. China is one of the main countries of origin for chickens (generally believed that chickens originated in South Asia, including Yunnan, China, etc.) In the course of domestication from five to eight thousand years ago, China still retains the world's largest germplasm resources. Chicken and eggs are the main animal protein sources of national life. Their number is second only to pork, and they play a decisive role in the national economy. According to the statistics of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in 2003 China's egg production was 26.16 million tons, accounting for 43.26% of the world's total output, of which egg production was 22.233 million tons, accounting for 40% of the world's total egg production, and 17.18 kg per capita. However, there is still much room for development in disease prevention, large-scale production, variety improvement, and processing and export in China. With the breakthrough of chicken genome research, it is very important to strengthen the system biology and applied research of chickens. The work that can be carried out immediately includes the following aspects: 1. Using chicken genome biology information to promote the basic scientific research of chicken as a model organism. 2. Use existing 3 million chicken genome polymorphic loci to locate in representative groups of different chicken breeds, select representative markers for mapping genetic maps and localized quantitative genetic traits, and then study local elite and endemic chickens in China. A number of genetic traits provide the necessary experimental tools for variety improvement. 3. The use of modern techniques such as genetic markers and gene chips to study the gene expression patterns of chickens, and the development of direct-to-production domestic bird biology (such as disease resistance, growth rate, egg production, etc.) and genetic breeding. The completion of the Chicken Genome Project has brought a new stage in China's bird (avian) research. With the country’s key support and the diligent efforts of scientists, it will surely bring a new perspective to the study of chicken biology and applications. The situation. The main achievements of the Chicken Genome Project Introduction With the advantages in the field of genomics, Chinese scientists actively participated in major international scientific cooperation projects and played a leading role in project selection and direction. For example, in the study of genetic polymorphism in chickens, under the auspices of Chinese scientists, black-bone chicken (also known as black-bone chicken and bamboo-wired chicken) with unique chicken breeds and traditional medical values ​​was proposed as one of the research subjects. The red primordial chicken as a genomic subject had 38 pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes. The depth map of the chicken genome covers 1.05 billion nucleotides of the chicken genome. (A) The genetic genetic variability of chickens provides a good basis for the study of chicken genetics. 1. Through the comparison of the genome sequences of three chickens (broilers, layers, and black chickens) and the genome map of the red chicken, more than 280 were found. Of the 10,000 single-nucleotide base variants, 90% of them can be experimentally verified and 70% can be used as common variants of genetic markers. 2. The density of single nucleotide base variation sites is 5 mutation sites per thousand bases. It is 6 to 7 times higher than the mutation rate of humans and 3 times higher than the mutation rate of gorillas, which is basically the same as the mutation rate among mouse subspecies. 3. The degree of variation between chicken breeds and chicken breeds is quite similar. 4. Most of these mutations occurred around 10,000 years before being domesticated by humans. The discovery of the genetic variation sites of these chicken genomes has provided a large amount of research materials for the biological research of chickens. (B) Construction of Chicken Genome Framework Differences in genome size between chickens and mammals are mainly reflected in repeats, pseudogenes, and fragment duplications. 2. Phenotypes in chicken and human genomes are expressed in longer fragments of homology. Both species exhibit a higher degree of intrachromosomal reset and a lower degree of interchromosomal exchange. 3. There are significant differences between the non-coding RNA gene's homology and the protein encoding genes, indicating that some non-coding RNA genes follow different evolutionary pathways. 4. The independent evolutionary pathways of birds and mammals are mainly caused by the expansion and contraction of their respective gene families. 5. Chicken chromosome size was negatively correlated with chromosome recombination rate, GC base content, CpG content, and gene density, but positively correlated with repeat sequence density. 6. The ratio of nonsense mutations in the genes for the minichromosome and macrochromosome subtelomeres showed an increasing trend. 7. Unlike mammals, only a small number of transposon pseudogenes are present in the chicken genome, which greatly simplifies the genetic classification of chicken genomes. This phenomenon is closely related to the high degree of specificity of its long stretch of CR1 reverse transcriptase in the repeat element (LINE). 8. Unlike other vertebrate genomes, there are no active short-lived repetitive elements (SINEs) in the chicken genome for at least the last 50 million years. SINE is very closely related to the evolution of mammalian genomes including humans. 9. A comparison of chicken and human genomes indicates that at least 70 million base pairs have the same or similar function between the two species. 10. Only 2.5% of the human genome and chicken genomic DNA sequences can be aligned, of which 44% are in the protein coding region, 25% in the intron region, and 31% in the intergenic region. The study of the function of these evolutionarily conserved non-coding regions is a very important scientific proposition. Scientists from China, the United States, and Europe: The genes of chickens have been mutated before they are domesticated. A yellow chick that has been broken out of the shell has swaggered onto the cover of the recently published British magazine Nature. Behind it is the life code consisting of the four letters T, A, G, and C - the world's first chicken genome sequence diagram. This frame drawing jointly drawn by the Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other European and American counterparts is a wild red primordial chicken that grows in mountain forests. Its ancestors tens of thousands of years ago were the ancestors of all modern chickens. Because it has never experienced domestication and domestication, the genome sequence of red primordial chickens is relatively primitive. Reading the language of life can understand the evolutionary process of all kinds of domestic chickens. Based on the mapping of the primordial chicken genome sequence, the Chinese researchers also compared the gene sequences of hens, broilers, and laying hens in current chickens and mapped out the chicken genome polymorphism map. Liu Bin, a researcher at the Beijing Genomics Institute who participated in the study, told reporters that the genetic differences between chickens and chickens were very large. Interestingly, these mutations were completed before the chicken was domesticated by humans. That is to say, not different breeders have created modern broilers or laying hens, and the difference between them is entirely the result of natural evolution. Researchers say that genetic variation among different types of chickens is expected to be practically applied in future poultry farming. Perhaps one day, with only a small operation, the flat-looking hens can grow into “Phoenix†and become real ornamental chickens; or simply let the broilers “dedicated†to the table become “suppliers†for industrial production. Previous studies have found that 310 million years ago, humans and chickens shared a common ancestor before they parted ways and embarked on their own evolutionary path. Although this is somewhat unbelievable, humans and chickens have similar genomes. In this regard, reading the genetic information of chickens will provide a short-cut for humans to finally understand the mystery of their own genetics and evolution. A major breakthrough in chicken genome research 3.1 billion years ago and human ancestors Yesterday, the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially announced in Beijing that the Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences participated and presided over the completion of the original chicken genome and chicken genome polymorphism study under the framework of international cooperation. Major breakthroughs were made in the theme paper published in the British magazine Nature. According to experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, scientists analyzed chicken genome sequences and found that about 60% of chickens have the same genes as humans, and chickens and humans shared common ancestors about 310 million years ago. Professor Li Ning of the National Agricultural University of China introduced that the mutation rate of chickens is the same as that of the mouse subspecies with the highest mutation rate in the world, which is 6 to 7 times that of humans and 3 times that of gorillas. Li Ning said that the discovery of these related data “has created a map for us and we must study the data on this map†to effectively prevent major poultry diseases such as bird flu and improve the quality of chickens in China. . Therefore, this research result is "basically significant." Today, "Nature" magazine will also publish another major achievement of our country's scientists in the study - the genome research of the silkworm. China's top five experts in gene sequencing capacity rank the world. China’s research is progressing from supporting role to protagonist. Genetic testing of chickens is also the first human genetic research on agricultural animals. In the original chicken research, Chinese scientists did nearly one-fourth of the work. In the chicken genome study, Chinese scientists completed 100% of the research work. Professor Li Ning introduced that research on the genome has always been a hot issue in the field of international life sciences. In the original "Human Genome Research Project," only 1% of the work was done by Chinese scientists. To "super hybrid rice" is 100% original Chinese. The forthcoming genomic research on the silkworm is also entirely done by Chinese scientists. The strongest international genome research capability is the United States. It is the only country that can independently perform gene sequencing. The director of the Bureau of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kang Le, said yesterday that “China is a world power in terms of genome research.†He said that currently, the gene sequencing capability of the Beijing Institute of Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ranks fifth in the world, if we combine genetic studies in domestic cities like Hangzhou. The research level of the institution should also be ranked higher. Prof. Li Ning also said that in Asia, China’s genome research capability has undoubtedly been the first. "China is still a developing country. This is very difficult," said Professor Li Ning. In terms of genome research, China is gradually changing from a supporting role to a protagonist. (Beijing News)
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