First, the suitable temperature for the fastest growth of lambs is 15°C, and the highest feed utilization temperature is 10°C-20°C, which is consistent with the fastest temperature index of weight gain. Feed protein feed (concentrate), and the correlation coefficient of weight gain with the temperature of 10 °C -15 °C maximum. Outside the above boundary temperature, whether the temperature rises or falls, will make various production indicators decline.
Second, light According to the test fattening lambs at 10 °C and 32 °C at two temperatures, respectively, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 hours light. Among them, the 24-hour light was continuously performed, and the rest was lighted twice a day. The result was that the weight gain was significantly reduced over 12 hours or less. Therefore, at a temperature of about 15°C, light 12 hours a day, the lamb's daily weight gain is 248 grams at the fastest, 8 and 16 hours of light, and the daily weight gain is 147 grams and 125 grams, respectively, and the weight gain rates are 59% and 50% respectively. The results of this experiment provide a basis for the use of artificially adjusted light to develop fat lambs.
Third, the supplemental feeding temperature decreased in the winter and the grass was dry. When the temperature dropped below 0°C, the lamb was affected by the cold climate and malnutrition and began to fall. In addition to grazing during the day in the winter, high quality hay should be supplemented at night. The amount of supplementation is determined by the degree of wind and cold; when the previous temperature is 0°C-5°C, daily supplement of 0.6 kg of high quality hay; when the medium temperature is 0°C-5°C, the daily supplement is 1.0 kg; the late temperature is -6°C -15 °C, daily supplement 1.4 kg. If there is no lamb for grazing conditions or when it is impossible to grazing due to snow weather, the amount of supplement is 2.0 kg. According to the experiment, lambs supplemented with high-quality hay have a 60% increase in weight gain compared to non-feeding. This fattening technology can be used in production practices to generate greater economic benefits.
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