Must eat sunscreen in summer

In addition to applying sunscreen, summer sunscreens also eat more sunscreen. What sunscreen do you eat in summer? Next, let's take a look at summer sun protection tips.


Must eat sunscreen in summer

1, broccoli

The isothiocyanates contained in foods such as broccoli, cabbage and acacia are anticancer. This substance also promotes the production of protective enzymes that protect cells from UV rays.

2, tomatoes

Dr. Anne Qiu, a dermatologist in Los Angeles, said that the antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes has a variety of sunscreen effects. A recent study in Germany found that in addition to fresh tomatoes, eating tomato ketchup can also significantly reduce the risk of sunburn.

3, coconut oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which has antibacterial effect, and saturated fat can also prevent skin from being damaged by sunlight ultraviolet rays. Dr. Frank Lipman, director of the New York Health Research Center in the United States, said that eating coconut oil properly protects the skin.

4, 枸杞

A number of animal experiments have found that earthworms help prevent ultraviolet-induced oxidation and relieve sunburn-induced dermatitis and edema.

5, curry

Curcumin in curry is a polyphenolic substance that can prevent cell damage and apoptosis caused by ultraviolet rays, thereby achieving the effect of skin care.

6, green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and drinking green tea can reduce the risk of skin damage, relaxation, and roughness caused by sun exposure by 1/3.

7, oranges

Vitamin C is a "forever beauty product." Citrus fruits such as oranges are rich in vitamin C, helping prevent UV rays and reduce sunburn-induced dermatitis. Ingesting more vitamin C also helps to enhance skin keratin and maintain skin elasticity.

8, mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in beta glucan, which has a photoprotective effect and reduces UV-induced oxidation.

Metal Truck Seals

The metal strap seals are made of tin-plate steel material, and painted steel is available for some models .The metal strap seals are economical fixed-length flat metal truck security seals. They are usually used on Rail Cars, Containers,ruck/Trailer Doors.

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The metal strap truck seals are great complement to our bolt seals and cable seals within the security seals applications.

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