As the saying goes: "The horse has no night grass is not fat," In fact, the sheep are the same. Sheep, like cattle, are ruminants and have four stomachs. The foods eaten during the day are temporarily crushed in the rumen (first stomach) after being initially crushed, and then slowly returned to the mouth for chewing (called rumination) at night. Therefore, even if it looks like the stomach is swollen when the goats are late in the pen, they are not overfull. If the grazing is not enough, the night will be hungry, leading to poor nutrition, which will affect the normal growth and development of the sheep. Therefore, it is advisable to add nightgrass to the sheep and open a “night mealâ€. In the evening when the sheep entered the column, if it was found that the height of the grazing was not reached to the maximum extent, it was necessary to eat at about 8 o'clock in the evening for the sheep, and the number of them could be eaten on that night. It would be advisable not to leave it on the next morning. Salt is an essential nutrient for sheep, and grazing alone cannot meet the needs of sheep. When feeding nightgrass to sheep, salt should be sprinkled on the grass, or salt can be sprinkled in the food junk. For adult sheep, 5 grams to 6 grams per night is appropriate, and the lamb is reduced. During the cold season, the average annual daily amount of dry sheep is 0.4 kg to 0.6 kg, and the average number of days for feeding is 180 days. The total amount of dry hay for the whole year is 72 kg to 108 kg, and 0.2 kg of mixed concentrate is added daily. During the fattening period, the sheep with a weight of 20 kilograms need 60-80 grams of protein per day. To add soybean cake and other concentrates to the feed, about 0.5 kilograms per night. When the rams are active during grazing during the daytime, they tend to eat less than half full during the breeding season. They should feed a sufficient amount of high-quality grass every night, and add 15 grams to 20 grams of salt to each sheep's forage. Feed 0.5 kg - 1 kg, 10 grams of bone meal. The rams who perform artificial collection should mix 2 or 3 eggs or duck eggs in the forage grass every night. Ewes must be blended with about 0.1 kilograms of refined material, 0.2 kilograms-0.3 kilograms, about 0.4 kilograms, and 0.5 kilograms of each concentrate for each night before mating 20 days before mid-pregnancy, mid-pregnancy and late pregnancy, and lactation. Twins of ewes should be mixed with about 0.7 kilograms of concentrate in their feed, which should be reduced during the middle period of lactation, and feeding can be stopped at the end of lactation. China Agricultural Network Editor
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