One hundred overview


【Source】 百部("本草经集注")

Synonyms: Pharmacopoeia (Tao Hongjing), Hundred Roots, Wild Asparagus, Hundred Milk ("Young's Experience Side"), Nine Cong Roots ("Grasswood"), Nine Wormroot ("Classified Herbality") , A nest of tigers ("Jiangsu Zhiyaozhi"), ninety-nine roots ("China Soil Pesticides"), Shan Baigen ("Traditional Chinese Medicine Record"), Niubiqian ("Eastern Materia Medica").

[Source] The product is a Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq., an upright 100-plant Stemona japonica (Bl.) Miq., or a dry tuberhead of Stemona tuberosa Lour.

[Tropism of taste] Gan, bitter, tepid. By the lungs.

【Indications】 Lungs and coughs; insect killing. The main new long-term cough; lung fistula; whooping cough; tsutsugamushi disease; [4]

【Applications】 Run the lungs to stop cough and kill insects. For the new cough, lung sputum cough, whooping cough; used for head lice, body lice, tsutsugamushi disease, genital itching. Honey 100 lungs and cough. For Yin and labor.

1. For general cough, cough, pertussis and cough. With Aster, Coltsfoot, Astragalus, White and equivalent.

2. For tsutsugamushi disease and human, animal head lice, body lice and so on.

[Invention] [Zi-Zhen 曰 百 百 百 百 百 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天. However, the temperature of one hundred but not cold, cold and chilly should be; the winter is not hot but hot, heat should be appropriate, this is different ears. [5]

Usage and dosage decoction, 3 ~ 9 grams. For topical use, decoction or alcoholic dipping.

Nootropic Powder

Nootropics powder or Nootropics, are a diverse group of cognitively enhancing compounds that are classified as lassi, plant, vitamin and fuel
I. Lassie drugs to promote wisdom
Rasciates are based on the compound piracetam and tend to work by enhancing the corpus callosum (the brain region that connects the two hemispheres), which can positively affect creativity and speech, acting as a glutamate or AMPA regulator (a subclass of neural receptors involved in learning and memory), brain circulation, brain metabolism, and more.
Lassi is the first class of psychotropic drugs that have been studied based on the naturally occurring amino acid Pyroglutamate (5-oxopyrrolidine-2-carboxylicacid). Most of them work by using glutamate receptors as agonists (compounds that mimic or enhance receptor activity) to enhance and enhance cognitive function. They are non-toxic, safe and do not have any addictive effects.
Piracetam, known chemically as 2-oxo-1-Pyrrolidineacetamide, is the most popular of the rascicidal drugs. Piracetam is known as nootropil in other countries. Piracetam is water soluble and is the best Nootropics studied. Piracetam is used in more than 100 countries and has been shown to improve articulation, memory, concentration, overall cognition and more.
Anisetan (anethacetam) is a fat-soluble form of piracetam, which is known in some countries as Ampamet. It's fat-soluble, and it's an ampakine drug (a class of compounds being developed by DARPA to create mind-enhancing super-soldiers).

NeuroPEPT, chemically known as n-phenylacetyl-L-Prolylglycineethylester, is a novel aminate glycine and a precursor of a naturally occurring peptide in the human brain. It is 1000 times more effective than piracetam and has high bioavailability. It is considered to be the third generation of lasciform nootropics.

2. Plant drugs promoting wisdom

These compounds are found in plants (or produced by plant compounds) to actively support cognitive or emotional health. Huperzine A (L-hupezine) is a common example of a plant nootropics. Huperzine A is an alkaloid extracted from the endemic Chinese plant Huperzine. Studies around the world have found that huperzine A can enhance memory, improve memory impairment, improve the efficiency of mental activities, senile memory decline and alzheimer's disease, adolescent learning disability and memory enhancement have significant improvement effect.
Three, vitamin drugs to promote wisdom
These compounds of vitamin stimulants have improved absorption, nootropic effects, and reduced side effects. They are made from vitamins or natural compounds found in the brain. They are very safe and non-toxic and have a long history of research and use around the world.
Enhanced versions of vitamins or related compounds are more effective than their counterparts. Such drugs include edibenquinone (associated with coenzyme Q), pyrimercaptan (associated with vitamin B-6), Picamillon (associated with GABA and vitamin B-3), Fenebute (associated with GABA), methylchlorophenol hydrochloride (associated with dimethylaminoethanol), and more.
Iv. Fuel drugs promoting wisdom
Fuel enhancers are compounds that act as precursors of major neurotransmitters and act as "fuel" for the brain. Such drugs include :ALC, phosphocholine, cyticoline, DMAE, chlorophenol hydrochloride ester, theanine, tyrosine, etc.
Citicoline is a source of choline that has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. Citicoline is a water-soluble nootropic of the choline chemistry. CDP choline can be used to increase dopamine receptor density and is reasonably used to treat or contribute to ADHD. Acetylcholine is a neural receptor involved in memory processes and development in the brain. Citicoline helps to promote brain health by increasing acetylcholine synthesis and development in the brain and restoring the level of lecithin. It helps increase brain glucose metabolism and brain blood flow.
Phosphocholine is a phospholipid metabolite found concentrated in the membranes of neurons. It comes from lecithin, which is very well absorbed and crosses the blood-brain barrier. In the brain, phosphocholine supports brain function and learning processes by directly increasing acetylcholine synthesis and secretion. Phosphocholine acts as a precursor membrane phospholipid to support neuronal health and improve signal transmission

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