Piglet health management during weaning

The health of the piglet depends on many factors, so ensuring a healthy growth of the piglet also depends on broader feed management measures.

Weaning is the most stressful event faced by piglets during their lifetime. Piglets are separated from their birth sows, and together with other litters of piglets are moved to other pig houses in mixed rearing groups; at the same time, piglets must adapt to shift from highly digestible breast milk to less-digestible complex solid-state diets and have to learn Independent drinking and feeding, the consequence of all these changes is that in the early weaning period, the feed intake and weight gain of the piglet decreased, and some piglets did not eat within 48 hours after weaning.

Feed intake in the first week after weaning is the basis for successful weaning of piglets. Early feed intake will directly affect the pig's health and growth performance during the finishing period. For the healthy growth of weaned piglets, make the following points:

1 Pre-weaning measures

It is important that piglets eat enough colostrum at birth to maintain body temperature and provide adequate immunoglobulin. Each piglet should at least suck 250 g to 300 g of colostrum. In order to achieve this goal, the piglets were divided into small and large body weight groups according to the size of their initial weight within 24 hours of birth, and alternating breast feeding was used.

Piglets frequently learn feed chutes 4 to 5 days after birth so that adequate feed can be eaten during the late lactation period

2 palatability and digestibility

In commercially available protein concentrates, plasma protein is a protein concentrate that is well-suited for just weaned piglets and can boost feed intake during the first few days after weaning. Plasma protein promotes growth performance and feed intake in piglets. Compared to other protein sources (milk and plant protein sources), plasma can increase feed intake by at least 25%. Plasma can reduce piglet mortality and diarrhea.

3 forms and proportions

During weaning, piglets usually consume solid feed, but liquid feed can increase feed intake and promote intestinal health. Liquid feeds should ensure the cleanliness of the feed and feed troughs and low microbial contamination, feeding a small number of times. Compared with piglets fed solid-state diets, the body weight and daily gain of piglets fed the same liquid diets increased by 8% and 20%, respectively.

The health status of piglets during weaning is to use highly palatable and digestible feeds and to feed appropriate levels of plasma in the appropriate liquid form to ensure the microbiological quality of the feed and each piglet receives the desired daily after weaning Feed intake to achieve healthy piglet growth.

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