1. Soybean meal soaking solution Soybean paste is soaked in water at a ratio of 1:5, then fermented for 5 to 10 days, and then added with 10 times of fresh water. However, the water of the soybean meal must be drained from the oil on the surface to prevent corrosion of the root system during use. Second, plant ash soaking liquid selection of not burned carbonaceous wood ash, according to the ratio of 1:100, soak for 24 hours before use. Third, livestock and poultry manure soaking solution 1 livestock and poultry manure plus 10 parts of water, soaked in the container for 24 hours, and then diluted 10 times the original solution watered. Fourth, the dilution of inorganic fertilizer can be formulated according to the use method of open cultivation. Such as 0.2% of urea, 3% to 5% of superphosphate, 0.5% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. can be used for potted fruit trees top dressing or root dressing. The preparation of nutrient solution is best to use rainwater, snow water or neutral soft water, and it is not possible to use water with grease and salinity to prevent harm to the plants.
Toboli International Trading Co., Ltd. , http://www.jnapplefruit.com