(1) Appropriate harvesting of the northeast and Inner Mongolia regions takes place before and after the frost fall, in North China between the beginning of winter and the small snow, and the Jianghuai region is even later. Early harvest, due to temperature, high temperature pits, unfavorable storage, too late harvest, easy to produce frost damage. However, there is a large stock of Chinese cabbage in various regions. To reduce the pressure of centralized storage, early harvesting can be appropriately advanced and entered into the pits in advance.
(2) After drying, the harvested cabbage is placed on a ridge and the root is directed to the sun for 3 to 5 days of drying to soften the outer leaves. This will not only reduce mechanical damage, increase the concentration of cell fluids, but also improve cold resistance. Can reduce the size and increase the library capacity. However, vegetables must not be excessive, otherwise they will reduce the storage and disease resistance. In dry climates, if the cellar is well-ventilated, it may be stored in a rack and not dried.
(3) Sorting and pre-storage Cabbage by drying to the side of the cellar, remove the yellow rot leaves, do not clean up too much, the leaves should not be as yellow as possible to protect the leaves, while grading selection for management. After finishing, the temperature is still high, and the sun-dried vegetables should be pre-stored in the pit, by stacking the roots of the cabbage inwards and outwards, and stacking them into hollow loquats no more than 1 meter high. Timely entry into the pit.
(4) Chemical treatment The spraying of 20-50ppm 2,4-D aqueous solution in the field 2 to 7 days before harvesting, or spraying or invading the outside of the cellar or in the cellar after harvest, has a significant effect of inhibiting the decoction.
Standardized Herbal Extract
A standardized herbal extract is an herb extract that has one or more components present in a specific, guaranteed amount, usually expressed as a percentage. The intention behind the standardization of herbs is to guarantee that the consumer is getting a product in which the chemistry is consistent from batch to batch. This practice has developed out of the drug model of herbal medicine, in which modern scientists have attempted to identify the components of a plant that have definite pharmacological activity in the body. Unfortunately, while scientists can isolate many constituents from an herb and discover how particular chemicals may act in the body, they inadvertently remove or overlook components that may contribute to the activity of the whole herb. Consequently, standardization may concentrate one constituent at the expense of other potentially important ones, while changing the natural balance of the herb`s components.
Standardized Herbal Extract
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