1. Fertilizer Amount of rapeseed Fertilizer Application Normally 13kg nitrogen to 15kg per mu, phosphorus 4kg to 6kg, potassium 5kg to 7kg, equivalent urea 33kg to 38kg, superphosphate 28kg to 37kg, sulfuric acid Potassium 10 kg to 14 kg. 2. Fertilization time (1) Basal fertilizer: Apply soil before sowing. If basal fertilizer is lacking, it can be used as seed dressing or cover fertilizer application. Generally about 15 kg of urea per acre. (2) Top-dressing: The first stage of application of Miaofei, the first time after the seedlings of live rape, the second time in the Dingmiao Shi. Transplantation of rapeseed was carried out for the first time when the seedlings survived, and the second time when the plants grew from 3 to 5 new leaves. The first time was to add 5% of water to the plant and the second time to combine with Zhongyue. The second stage is fertilizer, which is applied before convulsions. Fertilizer and manure should be determined depending on the growth and development of the crop. If no fertilizer is available, it may not be applied to prevent lodging of the plants.
LPG Truck & Trailer Co., Ltd. , http://www.tomato-pastes.com