Misunderstanding 6: Skin cream can prevent or remove wrinkles
People who pay great attention to skin protection can keep their skin soft and smooth. It often takes a lot of energy to choose a variety of skin care products to care for the skin, but it seems that many of us do not know what is the best and The basic anti-wrinkle method. Face cream has annual sales of up to 250 million U.S. dollars, but moisturizing cream really has anti-wrinkle effect? The dermatologist said: “Skin creams can improve the appearance of skin, but they have no wrinkle-reducing effect.†Some beauty cosmetics companies will insist that their products have excellent anti-wrinkle effect when they advertise, which is purely a misleading propaganda. If you want to prevent premature wrinkles, you can choose to use other methods, and these methods are very easy to do. Some suggestions were made for this, for example, not to smoke. Smoking can cause serious skin damage. Apply sunscreen or a moisturizer with a sun protection factor of 15 or more before you step outside. The last thing to note is that do not think that the skin care effects of high-priced skin creams are necessarily good. Some inexpensive skin creams also have good skin care effects.
Myth 7: Reading in Dim Light Will Hurt Your Eyes
Does reading a book really hurt your eyes in a poorly lit environment? People often ask this question. In fact, this argument is wrong. Does your ear hurt when someone softly whispers with you? Of course not. Reading books in a dim environment will not hurt your eyes. When you keep an eye on your TV or computer screen, will your muscles fatigue and your vision be damaged? Completely wrong. You will feel a little tired, but it will not cause any damage to your eyes anyway. However, because the specific structure of the human eye becomes nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatism, you need to correct vision with glasses or contact lenses or laser surgery.
By the way, some of your mother's suggestions are correct. If you want to protect your vision, you should eat some carrots. New research confirms that scientists have found an antioxidant known as beta-carotene in orange, yellow and red fruits and vegetables to have a good protective effect on the eyes.
Myth 8: Tight underwear hurts male fertility
What are the common features of tight underwear, laptops and hot tub baths? It is said that all three will reduce male fertility and cause very serious consequences for those who wish to have children. Testes grow outside the body because they need to cool. If the temperature of the scrotum rises, it will have a negative effect on sperm production. The impact of wearing briefs on men, but there is no clear research results, so this is only a guess.
However, the damage caused to male fertility in hot bath baths is greater. If the bath water is overheated, it will reduce the amount of sperm. In the next two months, the number of sperm will continue to decline. It takes 4 to 6 months for sperm counts to return to normal levels.
Misunderstanding 9: Chocolate is not good for human health
It has always been considered that chocolate is a typical food that can make people fat. But the latest research shows that chocolate also has a beneficial effect on people. Cocoa beans are rich in substances called flavonols, which promote health. Chocolate has a great effect on the human heart. Chocolate has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. It may also have the effect of lowering blood pressure and reducing blood vessel obstruction. This effect is similar to aspirin and can reduce the incidence of heart disease. Red wine, green tea, apples, and onions also contain flavonols, which are high in cocoa beans, but flavonols are removed during chocolate making because they taste very bitter and can affect the taste of chocolate. .
Before chocolate makers measure the content of chocolate and label it in bags, if you want to get the chocolate that is most beneficial to health, drinking cocoa powder is a good choice. If you want to buy unprocessed chocolate, choose the darkest chocolate and chocolate with the highest cocoa content and lowest calories. The bad news is that because chocolate is high in sugar and fat, chocolate is not a healthy food. If you really want to benefit from it, eat only one ounce of dark chocolate at a time.
Misunderstanding 10: The feeling of revenge is sweet
In the movie, people praised revenge and liked to watch a movie when the revenge succeeded. Seeing the bad guys get the punishment they deserved makes people happy. But is the taste of revenge really sweet?
Many studies have shown that being hostile to Others can have many negative effects. It can easily cause people to suffer from heart disease and some stress-related diseases, and it can also increase blood pressure. The idea of ​​hurting others is like taking drugs on their own, and eventually they themselves will be harmed. In the face of misfortune, it is natural to have revenge. But psychologically speaking, hatred is harmful to health. The hatred of the devil will deter people's minds and cause them to suffer. Forgiveness is good for health. It can reduce depression, anger, and stress. After vengeance you may gain a moment of pleasure, but forgiveness can heal the wounds of your life.
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