1. Peel 1 kg of garlic, smash, add 2 kg of water and soak for 30 minutes. Take filtrate and dilute with water for 20 times. Spray on foliar to prevent wheat rust, cotton anthracnose and angular spot. Take filtrate and dilute with water. Times, can prevent rice blast. 1 kg of garlic peeled and smashed add 10 kg of water, filtered and sprayed to prevent and treat various aphids. Second, the use of strong pepper flavor Chaotianjiao 1 kg, add 12 kg of water, heating and boiling for 30 minutes, the cease-fire stuffy to natural cooling, filtered to residue, about 10 kg of water agent, water spray, can prevent rice sheath blight Tomato rickets, mu spray 8-12 kg. Third, the ramie seed 1 kg smashed, add 1 kg of water and mix well, add a small amount of soap powder, add 100 kg of water spray, can prevent beetles, aphids; nettle leaf dried into powder into the soil, can be cured .
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