Spotted wax moth, also known as moulting wax moustache, class clothing, pheasant, red lady, etc., classification attributes: Homoptera, wax moth family. Both the north and the south of China are distributed.
Morphological characteristics Adult body length 15-20mm, wingspan 39-56mm, male than female, dark gray.
Eggs are long and oval, about 3mm long, resembling wheat kernels, with recessed lines on both sides of the back, forming a long bulge in the middle, and a long egg-shaped lid before the bulge. The eggs were arranged in rows and several rows were formed into pieces. Each had dozens of eggs and covered with grey soil-like secretions. Nymphs are similar to adults in that they have a flat body, long tips, and long feet. The 1-3 ages are black, with many white spots. The body of the 4th age body is red on the back, with dark markings and white spots on the fabric, with obvious wing buds on the side of the body, and the final body length is 6.5-7mm.
Injury into nymphs, sucking sticks, leaf sap, excreta often induces the occurrence of coal disease, weakening the growth potential, and in severe cases causing stem crust cracking and even death.
Life history and habits: 1 year old, overwintering with egg pieces on branches. In the following April to May, they hatched one after another. Nymphs like clustered stems and leaves dorsal damage, nymphs about 60 days, peeling 4 times into adults, the emergence of the period from late June to July. The oviposition began in August, and the prolific face was found in the fork. Overwintering with eggs. Adults and nymphs are clustered, lively and good at jumping. Frightened and jumped off, adults jumped to help fly. Many daytime activities are harmful. Adults live up to 4 months, and died until late October.
Control methods
1. Severe areas occur and focus on the removal of egg masses;
2, combined with the control of other pests and cure this insect, can be sprayed commonly used pyrethroids, organic phosphorus and other compound agents, commonly used concentrations have better results. As parasites are particularly nymphs with wax powder, the use of diesel oil emulsions or clay-diesel emulsions containing 0.3%-0.4% of oil in the liquid used can significantly improve control efficiency.