What are the taboos for eating tomatoes in summer? The tomato is believed to be familiar to everyone. It is a favorite food for women. It has a high nutritional value and also has a beauty effect. In the summer, people often eat tomatoes, but eating tomatoes still has a lot of taboos. Then what are the taboos for eating tomatoes in summer? Then tell everyone what are the taboos for eating tomatoes in the summer.
What are the taboos about eating tomatoes in summer?
1. Unsuitable to eat immature tomatoes
Green tomatoes contain alkaloids (Tallow Solanum), which are needle-shaped crystals that are very stable to alkalinity but can be hydrolyzed by acids. Therefore, unripe green tomatoes often feel uncomfortable, light mouth feels bitter, and poisoning may occur when severe. Especially when the green tomatoes begin to rot, the solanine will be destroyed. When green tomatoes turn red, they will not contain solanine.
2. It should not be eaten after long-term heating and cooking
After long-term heating and cooking, it loses its original nutrition and taste, and lycopene can easily decompose when it encounters light, heat and oxygen, and lose its health care function. Therefore, prolonged high-temperature heating should be avoided during cooking.
3. Weak stomach should not eat more
Chinese medicine believes that tomatoes are cold, and those who are weak in the stomach and stomach are harmful to their health. Therefore, patients suffering from acute gastroenteritis, acute bacillary dysentery, and ulcer disease are not eligible for food for the time being, so as not to aggravate the condition.
4. Tomatoes cannot be eaten with shrimps and crabs
Summer is the season to eat seafood, but the tomato bogey and shrimp and crab with the same food, tomatoes are rich in vitamins, eaten with prawns, will produce arsenic, highly toxic.
5. Should not be eaten with cucumber
Because cucumber contains a vitamin C decomposing enzyme, it will destroy vitamin C rich in other vegetables. Tomatoes are typically vitamin C-rich vegetables. If they are eaten together, the vitamin C that we take from tomatoes is destroyed by the enzymes in the cucumbers, which simply do not achieve the effect of supplemental nutrition.
6. It is not suitable to take anticoagulant drugs such as heparin and dicoumarin
Tomatoes contain more vitamin K. Vitamin K: The main role is to catalyze the synthesis of prothrombin and thrombin in the liver. The minimum requirement for dogs is 30 ug/kg body weight. When vitamin K is insufficient, the coagulation time is prolonged due to the restriction of the synthesis of prothrombin, resulting in subcutaneous and intramuscular bleeding.
7. Inedible when fasting
Tomatoes contain a large number of soluble astringents and other ingredients that react with stomach acid and condense into insoluble lumps that may block the pyloric outlet of the stomach, causing fullness, pain, and other discomfort. Eating tomatoes after a meal Because stomach acid has been mixed with many foods, its concentration is not large and it does not react with the above-mentioned gums, so there is no serious problem.
Second, the efficacy and role of tomatoes
1. Anti-cancer, anti-cancer, anti-aging
In recent years, studies have confirmed that lycopene contained in tomatoes has a unique antioxidant effect, can eliminate free radicals in the body, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, and effectively reduce the occurrence of pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, oral cancer, and breast cancer. Stop the progression of prostate cancer. Tomato also contains anti-cancer and anti-aging glutathione, which can remove toxic substances from the body, restore the normal function of the organism and delay aging.
2. Anti-cataract, macular degeneration.
Contains vitamins A, C, can prevent cataracts, but also has a preventive effect on night blindness; lycopene has the effect of inhibiting lipid peroxidation, can prevent the destruction of free radicals, inhibit macular degeneration of the retina, and maintain vision.
3. Beauty skin care, skin diseases.
Tomatoes contain carotenoids and vitamins A, C, have freckles, beauty, anti-aging, skin care and other effects, treatment of fungi, infectious skin diseases. Niacin can maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the formation of red blood cells, help maintain the elasticity of the blood vessel wall and protect the skin. Another study showed that tomato juice also has a role in the elimination of body odor.
4. Maintenance features.
Lycopene has a unique antioxidant capacity, can scavenge free radicals, protect cells, protect DNA and genes from damage, and prevent cancer progression. Absorption after absorption in the prostate, adrenal glands, etc., to promote the secretion of prostatic fluid is strong, can maintain ejaculation function; tomato juicy, can diuretic, nephritis patients are also suitable for human consumption. Women eat more tomatoes can stimulate sexual desire and passion. In addition to the prevention of prostate cancer, tomatoes can effectively reduce the risk of cancers such as pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer.
5. Jianweixiaoshi, thirst, laxative.
Contains malic acid, citric acid and other organic acids, can promote gastric secretion, digestion of fat and protein. Increase the concentration of gastric acid, adjust gastrointestinal function, help recovery of gastrointestinal diseases. Contains acid and cellulose, helps digestion, laxative effect, can prevent constipation.
6. Detoxification.
Tomato cool sweet and sour, there is heat Sheng Jin, Yangyin cooling effect, fever, polydipsia, dry mouth, bleeding gums, stomach heat bitter, virtual fire has a better therapeutic effect.
7. Lower blood pressure, diuretic sodium.
Contains vitamin C, rutin, lycopene, and fruit acids that lower blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The other contains a large amount of potassium and alkaline minerals, can promote the discharge of sodium in the blood, there is blood pressure, diuretic, swelling effect, a good adjuvant therapy for hypertension, kidney disease.
8. Anti-blood coagulation, anti-cerebral thrombosis.
Foreign studies have found that a substance known as P3 has been isolated from the yellow jelly-like juice around the tomato seeds and has the effect of anti-platelet aggregation.
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