1 Select varieties of cucumbers suitable for storage, should choose strong resistance to disease, fruit solid content, thick skin, fruit plump, good late-maturing variety of good storage. Because the cucumber epidermis has a large number of times, it is easy to bump or touch, and the wound causes infection. Therefore, the less punctured species are more resistant to hiding.
2 Correctly harvesting cucumbers of the same variety for storage should be slightly tenderer than those listed immediately. Picking requires the top flower to be barbed and the body of the melon is green. It is best to harvest the plump and strong medium maturity of the green melon strips in the middle of the “look of a loin†in the middle of the plant. The cucumbers in the lower part near the ground should not be stored. Picking should be done early in the morning, taking care not to injure prickle punctures, and then picking them out to remove old, over tender, and injured ones.
3 Storage conditions Cucumber growth temperature is generally 20 ~ 25 °C, extremely sensitive to low temperatures, 10 °C below two days will appear cold damage, and some symptoms of cold damage at low temperatures is not obvious, but quickly return to room temperature, then rot. Therefore, the appropriate storage temperature is 12 ~ 13 °C, the relative air temperature is about 95%, storage and more plastic film packaging.
4 Storage methods
4.1 Cylinder tanks to adopt the late autumn varieties of cucumber. It is generally harvested before and after the frost fall, and the water should be fully irrigated before picking so that the melon can be fully absorbed for storage. Wash the cylinder, sterilize with 0.5% to 1% bleach solution, and fill 10~20cm deep clean water. Place 7cm high above the water surface, put a wooden well-shaped wooden frame, put it on the frame and put it in a knot. Round 篦. Rotate the cucumber horizontally along the cylinder wall with the stem facing outwards and the head inwards until it is 10 to 12 cm away from the cylinder port, which is beneficial to the transfer of heat in the cylinder. You can also arrange the cucumbers in a criss-cross pattern layer by layer, straight up to the cylinder mouth. It is also possible to separate several layers of cucumbers and separate them with a partition to reduce the pressure between the layers of the melons. Immediately after the cucumbers are placed in the tank, they are sealed with kraft paper or covered with sacks and covered with slate. The cylinder should be placed in a cool or shady place. After the weather turns cold, in order to prevent the water in the cylinder from freezing, the cylinder should be buried in the underground half, the weather should be cold again, and the cylinder should be surrounded or buried with straw bags to keep the temperature low. At 10°C. This method can be stored for more than 2 months.
4.2 Water cellar storage method In the place where the groundwater level is high, the depth is about 2m deep, about 1m wide and 6~10m long. There is a certain slope at the bottom of the pit and a deep well at the bottom to prevent the accumulation of water. Around the pit, a clay wall with a thickness of about 0.6 to 1 m and a height of about 0.5 m was built. On the cellar wall, a wooden mallet is erected, and a 25 to 30 cm thick mat is placed on it, and the soil is covered with a thickness of 19 cm to form a roof, and a skylight of 0.5 to 0.7 m square is opened at the roof to provide ventilation. The cellar is about 1.7m high and has a water depth of about 0.5m. A layer of mats is placed on the storage rack and a straw mat is surrounded around to prevent the cucumbers from coming into contact with the walls. Then the grass stalks are used to form a grid of 3 to 4cm squares. The cucumber handle is inserted downwards to avoid abrasion between the cucumbers. After setting up, cover it with a wet seat and close the door and vent at the beginning of the entrance period. Cool the ventilation at night, check it once every 5 to 7 days, and pick out the wilting cucumbers in time. The room temperature is mostly between 5 and 10°C.
4.3 Plastic bag-packing method Small plastic food bags, 1~1.5kg per bag, loosen bag mouth, put in cool place indoors, can be stored for 4 to 7 days in summer, low temperature in autumn and winter can be stored for 8 to 15 days .
4.4 Basket storage method Baskets and straw bags shall be cleaned and disinfected prior to harvesting. The bags shall be soaked in the bottom and around the basket. When the basket is put into the basket, the handles of the cucumbers shall face inwards, head towards the basket walls, and the layer code shall be 3 to the distance from the basket mouth. 5cm, the surface of the basket covered with sterile wet sacks, humidity is not suitable for dripping. During storage, check once every 5 to 7 days, picking out wilting melons in time to prevent decay.
4.5 Salt preservation method Put brine in the sink and soak the cucumber. 3 to 5 days for 1 water, this method can be stored at room temperature 18 ~ 25 °C for 20 days.
4.6 The cellar storage method shall be used to excavate cellars of 6.5m in length, 2m in width and 1.5-2m in depth. The stench of defoliation shall be laid on the cellar, the bottom of the cellar, and the four walls, and then the cucumber shall be placed in a stack, which is generally no higher than 0.7m. Always pay attention to check and remove rot fruit. This method can be stored for 30 to 50 days.
4.7 The sand method will wash away the fine sand from the riverbank, put it into the pot and dry it, disinfect it, cool it to room temperature, spray water wet, and spread it on the bottom of the container 2~3cm. A layer of cucumber, a layer of sand, covered with sand at the top. Place the container in a cool room or in a cellar. Store at 7-8°C for 20-30 days to keep the color and flavor of the cucumber normal.
4.8 Atmosphere storage method for storage temperature 10 ~ 13 °C, control oxygen content of 2% to 5% or less, coated with 0.1% to 0.2% methyl Benzoxain 1: 5 shellac mixture, in the air conditioning Place a potassium permanganate saturated liquid soaked brick carrier to absorb ethylene and postpone the ripening process.
4.9 film preservation method using a certain amount of sucrose fatty acid ester, add quantitative water, heated to 60 ~ 80 °C stirring dissolved, and slowly add a certain amount of sodium alginate, continue to stir until fully dissolved, cooled to room temperature for use. The cucumber was soaked in the coating solution. After 30 seconds of soaking, the cucumber was naturally air-dried and stored in plastic bags at room temperature. This method can be stored for more than 10 days.
4.10 Sublimation dehydration method The cucumber is frozen and then fed into a high-vacuum sealed chamber at a pressure of 1025 MPa. The hardness of the water is ice-like and sublimated and dehydrated in a highly vacuumed environment. The cucumber texture and taste treated by this method are unchanged from the original cucumber and can be preserved for a long period of time.
Author: Henan Province Zhoukou Vocational and Technical College North Campus
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