There are many ways to catch tuna, and the most popular one is longline. Longline fisheries are divided into three types: longline fishing, bottom longline fishing and midline longline fishing. The tuna longline fishing gear is mainly composed of a dry rope, a branch rope, a float, a floating rope, a fishing hook, and the like, that is, a tool for fishing tuna by hanging a number of hooked ropes on an extended dry rope. A number of floats are tied to the dry rope, and the length of the float rope and the branch line between the dry rope and the float plays a role in regulating the capture water layer. Hooks need to be loaded on the hook. There are mainly frozen saury, squid, sardines, and squid. First, detect and catch a small amount of fishing line first, generally about 500 hooks, after the second day, then determine the center fishery based on the catch. Second, put the line 1, put time according to tuna feeding characteristics and vertical law, the best time to choose the line is the best choice for 3-4 in the morning. 2. With the postponement of the moonlight, the release time should be postponed. If the release time is too early, the bait will be swallowed by Other fish before the tuna feeds. 3, the direction of the line should be cross-flow or oblique flow. In general, tuna prefers upstream feeding. One is the direction of the discharge line perpendicular to the direction of the current. This method intercepts a large section and provides a reference for the width of the next line. A better way is to have a “V†shape perpendicular to the current, which can increase the chance of catching the same school of fish. 4. It is advisable to take 8 to 9 knots of the speed of the release line, which can be observed by the Guardian. If the bigeye tuna is caught, the speed of the boat can be reduced accordingly to make the line deeper. 5. When the line is released, it is not a big problem for the two ships to intersect. However, do not fish parallel to other ships within 5 nautical miles. Otherwise, the fishing line may become entangled. When releasing the line, keep the starboard side by the wind or receiving flow, bait should be thrown upstream, otherwise it will cause the spur line to take the main line, so that the hook can not effectively stretch and affect the fishing effect. 3. Black Moon Work (Referring to the moonless night) As the tuna has phototaxis, the catch will increase on a better moonlight night. On the contrary, it will decrease. In the dark days of the month, there is no fish, but because of the weak light intensity, the water layer on which the small fish floats cannot reach the original water layer. In addition, in the black water weather, the fishing line is caused by the acute current. A large slope is formed and the hooks do not reach the original depth, so the fishing effect is poor. The following methods can be used to overcome this problem: 1. Extend the float-to-string ratio 2. Lengthen the length of the branch line, change the float-sink ratio, increase the plumb bobbin 3, avoid the rapids, find the slow flow fishery 4, slow down the line, and put the line Something deeper, when the line is up, the hook is first found on the basis of the electrical signal measured by the direction finder. Let the angle between the ship and the line be 30 degrees, and the boat should take the line. The speed should not be too fast. The speed of the 6th boat should be appropriate. When there is a fish, the speed of the ship should be slowed down and reversing. This does not allow the fish to swim to the bottom of the boat and facilitates fishing. Pull the float, branch line, radio buoy and buoy light temporarily off the main line and arrange them. Check the main line and spur line and find that the damage is cut off immediately. The main line is directly twisted into the main spool after the ship. After the branch lines have been packed, they are transported to the rear deck for fishing hooks and the floats are also transported to the rear deck floater cabin.
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