Symptoms Leaf rust mainly occurs in Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Jilin. It mainly damages wheat leaves and produces herpes-like lesions that rarely occur on leaf sheaths and stems. The uredia spores are round to oblong, orange-red, smaller than stem rust, larger than the stripe rust, irregularly scattered, and sometimes produce several secondary uredospores around the primary summer spores heap, and are commonly found in The front of the blade, a few can penetrate the blade. After maturation, the epidermis cracked and shed orange-yellow summer spores. The winter spores resided mainly on the back and leaf sheaths of the leaves. They were round or oblong, black, flat, and arranged in disorder, but did not break when mature. Unlike stem rust and stripe rust.
The pathogen Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. f. sp. tritici Eriks et Henn. Called Puccinia recondita, a basidiomycotina fungus. Summer spore unit cells, spherical to nearly spherical, yellow-brown, surface with fine thorns, scattered germination holes 6-8, size 18-2917-22 (μm); teliospores twins, rods, top flat, handle short dark Brown, size 39-5715-18 (μm). When the teliospores germinate, 4 microspores are produced, which infect the host and produce rust and sexual organs. The organ is orange-yellow, spherical to oblate, 80-145 μm in size, buried beneath the epidermis of the host, producing orange-orange spores. The rust generator was born at the corresponding leaf dorsal spot, bad capitalism, can produce chain-shaped spherical rust spores, size 16-2616-20 (μm). When distinguishing from wheat stripe rust, pick a little summer spores, add a drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid or orthophosphoric acid, cover glass microscope, stripe rust uredia spores protoplasm condensed into multiple small groups, and leaf rust concentrate in the center .
Pathogenesis and Pathogenesis Leaf rust is a polysporum-to-host parasitic pathogen. The uredia spores and teliospores were formed on wheat. The cysts sporulated to produce spores, and the rust spores and sporozoites were formed on Thaclictrum spp. and Isopyrum fumarioides. Our country has not yet confirmed that there is a transfer of the host to the host. It only takes the generation of the summer spores to complete its life history. The bacteria in summer, northwest, southwest, south-central and other southeastern wheat areas of the wheat and late spring wheat continuous summer infestation with summer spores in the way of summer, near autumn autumn seedlings, spread to neighboring regions, its overwintering form and wintering Conditions are similar to stripe rust. The spores of the bacterium produced spores and invaded through the stomata of the leaves. The temperature was 20-25 °C for 6 days. The uredia spores and uredia spores were generated on the leaf surface and the infection was repeated several times. After the onset of autumn seedlings, the pathogens latent in the leaves of mycelia or a small amount of winter spores over winter, warm winter areas, bacteria continue to spread. In the spring wheat region in the north, germs cannot pass through the winter, and germs are transmitted from outside and cause disease. Winter wheat sowing early, early emergence of heavy disease. In general, the onset of sowing in the middle and early September is apt to occur. In winter, the temperature is high, the snow layer is thick, the snow cover is long, and the humidity of the soil is heavy. The more virulent races can cause the loss of wheat disease resistance, resulting in widespread disease.
The prevention and control methods mainly rely on the cultivation of disease-resistant varieties, supplemented by the prevention and control of cultivation and disease prevention. (1) Planting resistant varieties such as Huangnual Huaihai region, such as Shannong 7859, Fu 5418, Lumai 1, Xiaojing 6, Xuzhou 21, and other winter wheat varieties. In addition, new leaf rust winter wheat varieties newly selected in recent years include: Jingdong No.1, No.8, Jingnuo No.3 (Jingnuo 931), Beijing 411, Beinongbai, No. 26, No. 27 and No. 28, Mianyang 26 No. 96, Bainong 64, Zhoumai No. 9 - Xiaoyou 688, Xinbaofeng (7228), Yumai 39 (Yunong 8539), Morning Wheat No. 5, Jinsong No. 49, Xingmai No. 17, Wumai No. 19 , Qinmai 12, new wheat varieties of buckwheat 48, 40, glutinous rice 92-3235, 6021, etc.; spring wheat varieties include : Jiujiu 5, Longmai 23, Longfumai 7, Mengmai 30, Jingyin 1 Number, Hunchun 8139, and Dingfeng No.3. (2) Chemical control 1 Seed dressing weight of 0.03% - 0.04% (active ingredient) leaf rust special or seed weight 0.2% of 20% triadimefon EC dressing. (2) To provide the protective film by using 15% Baofeng No. 1 seed coating agent (the active ingredient is triadimefon, carbendazim, and phoxim) after coating seeds, and form a protective ring after sowing, and the effective period is long. The amount of 4 g per kg of seed used to prevent and control wheat leaf rust, powdery mildew, and full-bleeding disease is excellent, and can treat both underground pests. (3) Applying 20% ​​Triadimefon EC at 1000 times in the initial stage of the disease can also treat stripe rust, stem rust and powdery mildew, once every 10 to 20 days, and control 1-2 times. (4) Strengthen the cultivation and disease prevention measures Sowing timely, eliminating weeds and self-producing wheat seedlings, timely drainage in the rainy season, and retention of moisture.
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