Beer is one of the most popular beverages, but some people are not suitable for drinking beer. they are:
Some of the constituents of the person who is taking the drug will be inhibited by the drug, and thus accumulate in large quantities, which may cause the drinker to have a headache, sudden increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia, and severe cases that may lead to coma or cerebral hemorrhage.
The body's slightly fat beer contains high calories and can promote appetite. Long-term drinking can cause body fat to gradually build up and make people more obese.
Lactating women's beer uses barley as the main raw material. Barley has a back milk effect and inhibits the secretion of milk. Therefore, breastfeeding women do not drink beer.
The gout of patients with gout is high in the organic compound uric acid (purine compounds) in the blood, and beer contains many purine compounds. Drinking beer will increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood, accelerating its precipitation in the human body and aggravating the condition.
Hepatitis patients have a poor liver detoxification function, and beer contains alcohol. Long-term drinking will increase the damage to the liver and it is not conducive to physical rehabilitation.
Patients with digestive diseases Under normal circumstances, the gastric mucosa can synthesize a substance called prostaglandin E, so that the gastric mucosa maintains normal physiological functions. Patients with chronic gastritis have chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa, their ability to synthesize prostaglandin E is low, and beer can inhibit or reduce the synthesis of prostaglandin E in the gastric mucosa. At this time, if the patient drinks beer, it will even cause gastric mucosal damage. . Drinking beer has the greatest impact on atrophic gastritis and induces duodenal ulcers and perforations.
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