Why do loofahs suffer?

Why do loofahs suffer?

Nutrition doctors may be introduced because they didn't pick good loofahs, or they didn't remove them in the hooves, and when they were making soups, they put more salt and it would be hard.

Why are loofahs bitter

Dr. Xu introduced that because the loofah vines contain momordicin and other substances, when the temperature is high, the lack of soil moisture, vine internal momordica will cause bitter gourd.

First, varieties. The bitter taste of bitter gourd can be inherited. If the seeds of bitter gourd are planted, the grown gourd is also bitter. The bitter taste of loofah is also controlled by genes, and genes can be inherited. Rana velutipes are generally easy to form bitter melons.

Second, cross pollination. During pollination by insects, the bitter-sweet gourd plants receive the pollen of bitter-sweet gourd plants, or the bitter gourd pollen, resulting in bitter gourd bitterness.

Third, high temperature and drought, lack of light and other adverse growth environment. Continuous high temperature, drought, and lack of light affect the normal nutrient absorption of the plants and lead to the formation of bitter melons.

Fourth, the use of fertilizer is unreasonable. During the growth process of loofah, if nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much, organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will be used less and the water will be insufficient, which will also increase bitterness.

Fifth, the plant was injured. Luffa gossypium suffers damage to roots during transplanting, fertilizing, weeding, or during cutting. In addition, loofah suffers from insect infestation, vines are damaged, and bitter gourd is also easily produced.

Six, continuous work. Loofah crops are continuously planted on the same plot of land and there is a high incidence of bitter loofah.


How to pick fresh loofah

1. Look at the loofah as a whole. To select the green color, such loofahs are tender, and those yellow-green ones are the old loofahs.

2. Look at the gourd flower at the root of loofah, the fresh loofah, and the water at the root is the water spirit, and the loofah flower that has been left for a long time is smashed or the flower has fallen off.

3, look at the gourd of loofah, melon vines fresh water, is just picked fresh loofah soon. If the vine spreads, dry and flat, it is a loofah that has been kept for a while. It is not too fresh.

4, pinch it, it is very strong, it is fresh; if soft, it is a long-lasting loofah or old loofah.

Loofah scrambled eggs practice

Serving Size: 4 servings.

Ingredients: 1 loofah, 2 eggs, 1 segment of ginger, and a little salt.


1. Loofah peeled and diced; ginger peeled and shredded spare.

2. Beat the egg into the bowl and mix well.

3. Prepare a frying pan in a medium hot pot, and then stir in ginger until the scent is reached.

4. Then put the loofah, cover with a lid and switch to a hot fire and simmer for 5 minutes until the loofah water softens.

5. Turn to medium heat and remove the moisture from the loofah, then pour it into the beaten egg mixture until the eggs are cooked, add the appropriate amount of salt seasoning according to your personal taste, and then cook.

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