Alzheimer's disease can be predicted 16 years in advance
January 29, 2019 Source: Health News Network Author: Zhou Zhou
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Alzheimer's disease, also known as Alzheimer's disease, is the most common type of dementia. The clinical manifestations are memory disorders, aphasia, etc. There are no effective therapies and preventive drugs for this disease.
Researchers at the University of Washington and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases have long tracked people with specific genetic variants and their relatives. The genetics of these people's relatives did not mutate, and this specific genetic variation allowed carriers to develop Alzheimer's disease as early as they were in their 30s.
Sixteen years before the onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, elevated neurofilament light chain protein levels were detected in the blood of specific genetic variants, and this increase in protein levels was synchronized with atrophy of the anterior cranial lobes. The anterior wedge is related to memory. The neurofilament light chain is a structural protein that constitutes the inner skeleton of a neuron. When a brain neuron is damaged or dead, the protein enters the cerebrospinal fluid and enters the bloodstream.
Researchers say elevated levels of this protein in cerebrospinal fluid are clear evidence of damage to brain cells, but getting cerebrospinal fluid requires spinal puncture, which is neither convenient nor economical. The newly developed blood test method is convenient, fast and economical.
Brian Gordon of the University of Washington School of Medicine in the study said that the protein marker is not limited to the early detection of Alzheimer's disease. Multiple neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and brain trauma can cause this protein. The level rises. In the future, it is expected to detect various neurodegenerative diseases quickly and inexpensively by observing this protein level.
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