Huangqi is also known as small ginseng. Its role is similar to that of ginseng, and it is qi. However, ginseng is an important supplement, and its role is very rapid. The general people can easily use it, and Huangsong is a medium-tempered, relatively gentle one. It is not inferior. Astragalus contains sucrose, glucuronic acid, astragalus polysaccharides A, B, C, D, mucus, various amino acids, bittersin, astragaloside, choline, folic acid, flavan compounds and contains selenium, silicon, zinc, cobalt, copper , molybdenum and other trace elements. Astragalus has qi-solid, antiperspirant, detoxification, myogenic, diuretic, and detumescence effects. Many people like to take jaundice soaked in daily life. However, jaundice is not suitable for all people. Let's take a look at the food taboos of the yam.
Who should not take jaundice?
1, Yin people
The manifestations of yin deficiency are fever of hands and feet, dryness of the oropharynx, low back pain, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and dreams, red tongue without moss, pulse breakdown, etc. Because of the sweet, lukewarm jaundice, yin deficiency patients will take heat, easy to hurt vaginal blood. Yin deficiency patients use Astragalus, must be combined with Yin drugs, such as habitat, Rehmannia, Scrophulariaceae, Ophiopogon japonicus, Asparagus, Polygonatum and so on.
2, hot and humid people
Hot and humid performance: mouth pain, dry mouth, yellow greasy tongue coating and so on. Patients with hot and humid are prone to stagnation and make the condition worse. Hot and humid patients must be combined with Qingli hot and humid drugs, such as berberine, capillaris, jaundice and so on.
3, hot poisonous people
The performance of venomous fuling fever: There are various purulent infections, such as acne infection, pharynx infection, peritonitis, etc., manifested as flushed red, pharynx, throat, sore throat, dry mouth, dry mouth, red tongue, red tongue, dry tongue coating, Pulse slip and so on. The venomous patients are prone to stagnation and make the illness worse. If you must take astragalus, it must be combined with antipyretic detoxification drugs, such as berberine, gardenia, rhubarb, Patrinia and so on.
4, red tongue and less saliva
If you have reddish lips, reddened lips, dry mouth, lack of saliva, yellow tongue, and other symptoms, you must not eat jaundice.
5, late pregnancy
Pregnancy pregnant women can not eat jaundice, because they are qi things, if you eat jaundice in the late will cause the fetus is too large, is not conducive to production.
6, high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage
People with high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage are also unable to eat it. After eating, the blood pressure easily rises, which can aggravate the symptoms.
7, people with hot body
People with hot body can not eat jaundice, and after eating will cause emotional irritability.
Huang Wei soaked in drinking taboo
The amount of jaundice used in each of the Astragalus soaked in water should not exceed 15 grams, and it should be taken in two or three separate doses to avoid overdose.
After taking jaundice, it can improve memory loss, dizziness, fatigue, etc., but if you regularly take excessive amounts of jaundice, it will not only improve the dizziness, but will lead to the disease value, that is, more dizziness, memory. It has not been well restored.
The efficacy of jaundice
Invigorating Qi
For qi deficiency caused by rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, uterine bleeding, dizziness, fatigue, etc., and often with Cimicifuga, Bupleurum equivalent.
Solid table with sweat
Mostly used for self-sweat due to weakness in the physical table. Such as the air is not solid, exogenous cold and sweat, with Astragalus with Atractylodes, wind treatment, Jiufu will be effective.
Sore pus
Jaundice can also be used for sore discharge, coupled with silver flowers and other Chinese medicine has a good myogenic effect.
Diuretic swelling
It is used for blister edema caused by insufficient yang, and it is often used in combination with anti-fatigue, sputum, and atractylodes.
The role of Huang Qi
Astragalus enhances immune function, effects on interferon, enhances the body's resistance to hypoxia and stress, promotes body metabolism, improves heart function, antihypertensive effect, hepatoprotective effect, regulates blood glucose, antibacterial and antiviral effects, hormone-like effect.
Prevention of infectious diseases
Modern medical research shows that Astragalus contains a variety of antibacterial active ingredients, and can enhance the body's immune function, it can also be used to prevent the occurrence of certain infectious diseases.
Treatment of chronic appendicitis
Astragalus is also effective in the treatment of chronic appendicitis because of the efficacy of astragalus in the treatment of toxic and myogenic growth.
Antibacterial effect
The mechanism of antibacterial action is multifaceted. On the one hand, the drug directly inhibits the killing and detoxification of fine particles and their toxic products. On the other hand, it is more important to mobilize the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects through modulation of the immune defense function of the body. .
Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus anthracis, a, b Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella all have antibacterial activity.
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