First, the status quo of the industrialization of genetically modified soybeans After obtaining transgenic tobacco for the first time in 1983, the transgenic insect-resistant and herbicide-resistant cotton was first approved for field trials in 1986. So far, nearly 50 countries have ratified thousands of transgenic plants in field trials. There are more than 60 plant types involved. In recent years, the planting area of ​​transgenic plants in the world has grown rapidly. The number of countries planting transgenic plants has increased from 1 in 1992 to 12 in 1999 and further expanded to 16 countries in 2001. The planting area of ​​global genetically modified plants was only 1.7 million hm2 in 1996, 11 million hm2 in 1997, and 27.8 million hm2 in 1998. In 1998, it increased by 44% from 1998 to 39.9 million hm2. Global transgenic planting in 2000 The area is 44.2 million hm2, and it has soared to 52.6 million hm2 in 2001. The speed of commercialization of U.S. transgenic plants has progressed rapidly, and its promotion and application has been at the forefront of other countries. In 1994, the Transgenic Ripened Tomatoes developed by the US Calgene Company entered commercial production for the first time. By May 2000, 47 transgenic plants had been approved for commercial production, including 3 soybeans. Monsanto's glyphosate-resistant soybeans in 1994, DuPont's high oleic acid (oleic acid) soybeans in 1997, and AgrEvo's glufosinate-resistant soybeans in 1998. In 2001, 35.7 million hm2 plants were planted in the United States, accounting for 68%. In 2001, the dominant GM soybeans accounted for 63% of the global genetically modified crops. All the genetically modified soybeans were herbicide-tolerant soybeans. The GM soybeans maintained their maximum planting area in 2001. From a global perspective, GM soybeans accounted for 33.30 million hm2 in 2001; 9.8 million hm2 of genetically modified corn, which accounted for 19% of global genetically modified crops; 6.8 million hm2 of genetically modified cotton, accounting for 13%; and 2.70 million hm2 of Canola, accounting for 5% of total GM crops. . During the 6-year period from 1996 to 2001, herbicide-resistant varieties have continued to dominate and insect resistance has been ranked second. In 2001, herbicide-tolerant soybeans, corn and cotton together accounted for 77% of the total 52.60 million hm2; only 7.8 million hm2 were planted with Bt-transgenic crops, equivalent to 15% of the total area; among them herbicides and resistances with Stacked genes Insect cotton and corn accounted for 8% of all genetically modified crops in the world in 2001. It should be noted that the herbicide-tolerant crop area increased from 28.1 million hm2 to 40.6 million hm2 in 1999 and 2001. Meanwhile, herbicide-resistant and Bt crops with Stacked genes also increased from 2.9 million hm2 in 1999 to 2001. Annually, 4.2 million hm2; conversely, the global planting area of ​​transgenic insect-resistant crops has decreased from 8.9 million hm2 in 1999 to 7.8 million hm2 in 2001. The data shows that in 2001, 46% of the world's total soybean planting area of ​​72 million hm2 was genetically modified. Similarly, 20% of the 34 million hectares of cotton, 11% of the 25 million hectares of rape, and 7% of the 140 million hectares of corn are genetically modified. If the total area of ​​the world's four major crops is combined, the total area will reach 271 million hm2, of which 19%, or 52.6 million hm2, will belong to genetically modified crops. Second, the safety evaluation of genetically modified soybeans Application of herbicide resistant transgenic crops has great economic and social benefits, but there are also certain risks. One of the greatest risks in planting herbicide-tolerant transgenic crops is "grassification," which includes the "grassification" of resistant crops themselves and the "drifting" of resistance genes to weeds, resulting in the emergence of resistant weeds. There are also problems with the environment, the safety of foods, the stability of resistant genes, and the development of resistant weeds. Monsanto's food safety evaluation of the cultivated glyphosate-resistance transgenic soybean variety 40-3-2 showed that there was no significant difference in the total amino acid content of the transgenic soybean variety and the common soybean variety; the endogenous protein allergen and its There is no difference between the content and ordinary soybean varieties. The results also showed that there is no similarity in the structure of CP4EPSPS and known toxic proteins. Acute rat gavage experiments also showed that CP4EPSPS is non-toxic. However, the food safety of herbicide resistant GM crops is also unpredictable and must be monitored over the long term. Tests have shown that Glyphosate-transgenic soybeans are more sensitive to high temperatures than traditional soybeans, and that genetically-modified soybeans often do not yield high yields, even lower yields than some conventionally-excellent varieties because the genetic background within a crop cannot be tolerated. A foreign gene, and the expression of herbicide-tolerant or Bt insect-resistant protein requires the consumption of metabolic energy. Some studies have suggested that glyphosate poses the third highest risk for human health in all pesticides. Glyphosate can produce a phytoestrogen in legumes. Animals will replace hormones in the body and destroy the reproductive system. Because glyphosate can stay in the soil for a long time, it harms the animals in the soil, pollutes the groundwater, and can destroy the biochemical cycle of the soil. It should be pointed out that: based on the consideration of the above issues, it is still not possible to conclude whether the genetically modified crops are safe or not. Each newly-developed GM crop must be processed on a case-by-case basis to assess its possible risks, so as to ensure a high degree of safety for GM crops and their processed foods during environmental release and market release. Soybeans are native to China, and China has abundant wild soybean resources. Wild soybeans are distributed wherever soybeans are grown. Because there is no reproductive isolation between cultivated soybean and wild soybean, once the transgenic escapes to the wild soybean population, the original traits of wild soybean will be destroyed, and its herbicide-resistance characteristics will also make it into weeds, and its propagation will give soybean production. Losses result in the loss of genetic diversity. Therefore, for our country, the safety management of genetically modified soybeans is particularly important. In order to prevent problems, the former State Science and Technology Commission issued the "Genetic Safety Management Measures" in December 1993. The State Council promulgated the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms" in May 2001 and set up the Department of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organism Safety Management. Joint conference system. The Ministry of Agriculture issued the "Administrative Measures on the Safety Evaluation of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms", the "Administrative Measures on the Safety of Imported Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms" and the "Administrative Measures on the Labeling of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms" in July 2001, and established the Agricultural Genetically Modified Organism Safety Committee to be responsible for agricultural genetically modified organisms. Safety evaluation work. The Agricultural Genetically Modified Organism Safety Committee consists of experts engaged in the research, production, processing, inspection and quarantine, and health and environmental protection of agricultural genetically modified organisms. The three management measures are to be implemented on March 20, 2002. As genetically modified soybeans are the first batch of agricultural genetically modified organisms that implement logo management, and in recent years, the import volume of soybeans has occupied the top of the import of agricultural products. The introduction of genetically modified regulations and its implementing regulations will have a far-reaching impact on soybeans. Third, the research and development trend of genetically modified soybeans As people's understanding of the safety of transgenic plants continues to increase, there will be more countries and regions accept genetically modified herbicide soybeans, the scope and area of ​​genetically modified soybeans will continue to expand, will To greater benefits. At present, the main body of genetically modified soybeans is herbicide resistant varieties. In the future, insect resistance and improved nutrient composition (such as fatty acid composition) will be the focus of genetically modified soybeans. DuPont, USA has developed a new soybean line with low levels of anti-nutritional factors such as oligosaccharides, stachyose, raffinose, and galactose. Some new progress has also been made in improving the quality of soybean oil. The main component of soybean oil is a thermally unstable polyunsaturated fatty acid. In order to improve the thermal stability of soybean oil, in the past, industrialized hydrogenation of soybean oil was used to convert polyunsaturated fatty acids into monounsaturated fatty acids, but the consequence was to produce harmful substances that had adverse effects on the human body. The ideal way is to change the genetic composition of plants so that they can directly produce monounsaturated fatty acids. Mazur et al. (1999), through long-term and unremitting efforts, obtained a soybean new line with a relative content of 85% of seed oleic acid, 3.4 times more than the original, and excellent agronomic traits. At present, this new line has begun large-scale planting. Their next goal is to use the corresponding genes of Vernonia and Ricinus communis to develop a new soybean line with high content of verticillic acid (12,13-epoxyoleic acid) and ricinoleic acid, for the production of new chemical products (such as the new paint curing Agents, lubricants, biodegradable plastics, etc.) At present, they have introduced the modified gene of interest into the soybean genome and expressed it in seeds. A new technology recently developed by researchers at Monsanto will enable scientists to find valuable genetic information from wild or exotic soybean varieties and use them. They found this gene information and studied it from the public germplasm resource pool hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Monsanto believes that the gene germplasm resource bank stores a large amount of genetic information that can be consulted and used by scientific researchers all over the world, fully demonstrating the great value of the gene germplasm resource pool, which will help protect genetic diversity, and Encourage the development of better crops. China's major basic research and development planning project (973) has made significant progress in the study of the construction of crop core collections and the exploration and utilization of important new genes. A group of important new genes will be mapped, mapped and named, and a new batch of genes with independent intellectual property rights available for gene engineering will be isolated and cloned. It was eventually applied in transgenic breeding to lay the foundation for the second green revolution, such as the discovery of soybean disease resistance genes: The study found that the resistance of broad-spectrum source Kefeng 13 to soybean mosaic virus is controlled by one pair of dominant genes, while 95 The resistance of -5383 was controlled by a pair of recessive genes and a SCAR marker (2.1 cM) closely linked to the gene was found. Soybean Male Sterile Restorer Gene Discovery: The male sterile restorer gene in soybean Miao 006 is a pair of dominant genes. The gene was mapped to the K-U24 linkage group of soybean using SSR markers, and its linkage distance was found to be 9.2 cM. The SSR marker Satt441; located another cytoplasmic sterility restorer gene in the J linkage group, with distances of 14.6 and 16.4 cM from the SSR primers Satt596 and Satt414, respectively.
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