1. Cultivate strong seedlings. It is generally better to plant seedlings from the end of September to mid-October. Nursery sites should be selected for loose fertility, convenient drainage and irrigation, and no sand or loam grown in onions or garlic. Before sowing, it is necessary to finely prepare the soil, apply enough base fertilizer, and start seeding. Seeding seeds before sowing should be immersed in warm water + new high-fat membrane for 24 hours, repelling underground diseases and pests, and isolating viral infections without affecting the function of germination and ingestion, enhancing respiratory intensity, and increasing seed germination rate. 2. Timely planting. Strengthen fertilizer and water management. Before sowing, topdressing, shallow ploughing and rolling, spraying a new high-fat film to keep warm, enhance fertilizer efficiency. The selection of strong seedlings for planting and reasonable close planting, in the young period, the bulb expansion period should be topdressing, pest control, and spraying the fruit shuangtingling, increase the amount of nutrient delivery, increase bulb expansion vitality, prevent fruit drop, malformation occurred. 3. Apply timely fertilizer. After transplanting, apply a thin human and animal waste water, and then apply a fire or high-quality soil heterotrophic fertilizer and new high fat film to promote hair roots and enhance cold resistance. During the cold season, onion seedlings grow more slowly and can be topped up. By the end of February of the following year, when the bulbs enter the expansion stage, the fertilizing material and the ground fruit should be used to make the underground fruit nutrient transportation conduit thicker, increase the vitality of the fruit, and the fruit surface is smooth, the fruit type is robust, and the quality and yield are high.
Shandong Longze Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd , https://www.pelletmachinefactory.com