1. Wide adaptability, cold resistance, rough living environment From plains to mountainous areas, from rivers to canyons, inhabiting various ecological environments on the land 300-3000 meters above sea level, summer tolerates temperatures above 32°C, minus 35 in early spring. °C can also act on ice and snow to feed, drink ice and water, not afraid of the rain.
2. In the strong breeding season of the colony, male and female chickens are the core and constitute relatively stable breeding colonies. They are able to move independently, and they can't invade other male swarms. Otherwise, they will fight fiercely.
In the natural state, the female pheasant hatches the eggs, and after the chicks are born, the female pheasants lead the newly hatched chicks. After the chicks grow up, they are regrouped and feed on the ground to form foraging groups. The groups may vary in size. Therefore, artificially cultivated pheasants can be adapted to large groups of breeding environments. However, when the density is too high, it hinders the intake of food and often causes mutualism.
3. The timid alertness chickens often watch the birds in the process of foraging during the normal feeding process. If there is movement, they will flee quickly, especially in the case of artificial cages, when they are suddenly frightened by people or animals or are violently noisy. When the noise is irritating, the pheasants will flutter, hit, cause blood flow, or die. Caged male pheasants in the breeding season, have the initiative to attack the behavior of humans, wild adult male and female pheasant chickens are often pretend to behave or flapping their wings to divert enemy enemies to protect young pheasants. Therefore, the farms are required to keep the environment quiet and prevent violent movements and sudden sharp sounds in case of frightened chickens.
4. The food intake is small, and the food-stuffed chicken has smaller crops and less food. If you like to eat it, go for it and turn it around to eat it again. The pheasant is an omnivorous bird, and likes various insects, small amphibians, cereals, beans, grass seeds, and green shoots.
Artificially cultivated pheasants are mainly vegetable feedstuffs and are supplemented with animal feed such as fishmeal. It has been observed that domesticated pheasants take more food in the morning than in the afternoon, and are bright in the morning and 5-6 pm in the afternoon. They are the peak of the two-day food intake; they do not eat at night and prefer a quiet environment.
5. Lively, good at running, poor flight pheasants like to walk and foraging, running fast, high flying ability is poor, only a short distance and low flying, and can not be sustained.
6. Callings Special pheasants often scream with each other when they call each other and call each other. Just like “Ke-哆-??†is being 颉翱┮豢 颉翱┮豢 è–„ è–„? è–„5è“–è—皇芫?ä¿è™®â”“ 3.虮┓ 鲆桓龌蛳盗鲆桓龌蛳?é„™??æ•è‡£çª˜å†¢?åŸè‰Ï…谔旄樟潦 ä¿ä¿? 3. 觥翱 觥翱 多 多 多 多 多 多 多 多 多 欢 欢 欢 欢 欢 欢 , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 3 3 3 3.