Release date: 2014-08-06
In the summer, the cool carbonated drinks can cool down. But some consumers worry that drinking carbonated drinks can cause osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone metabolic disease that generally increases with age and increases the risk of illness. Normally, the human body is about 40 years old, the bone mass will reach the highest value, and then the bone calcium begins to slowly lose. Judging from the outpatient hospitalization in recent years, most young people with bone loss have a common point: they all have the habit of drinking carbonated drinks and coffee.
"Soda-Water Threat Theory" has exaggerated suspicions
"The idea that drinking soda can cause osteoporosis is exaggerated." Zhu Peiying, director of the Nutrition Department of Shanghai First People's Hospital, said that the "theory" of "drinking soda causing osteoporosis" stems from the possibility that carbonated components in soda may be Reducing the body's absorption of calcium, but the premise of this "neutralization" is the intake of excess carbonic acid, "also related to the population category, age structure, etc."
A number of studies at home and abroad have confirmed that for healthy adults, moderate consumption of soda does not directly cause bone health problems, nor does it directly lead to osteoporosis. To figure out this problem, we must first understand the causes of osteoporosis. Dr. Zhong Kai, Ph.D., Food Safety Doctor and Associate Researcher of Risk Communication Department of National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, pointed out in a popular science article that there are many factors leading to osteoporosis, such as peak calcium, estrogen levels, genetic factors, medication, diet. Calcium content, vitamin D levels in the blood, exercise, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits, organ diseases and so on. Therefore, the reason why a person is osteoporosis is often "the house leaks and even the night rain", "but cola may not be the main cause."
For some opinions about the influence of phosphorus in food on bone health, at the 5th China Chronic Disease Management Conference, Aihua, a researcher at the Institute of Sports Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, said that phosphorus is an essential element of the human body and is widely found in nature. Among the kinds of foods, normal healthy people do not need to worry about the health problems caused by phosphorus in food.
The appropriate phosphorus intake for adults is 700 mg per day. This is equivalent to the total amount of phosphorus in 21 cans of 330 ml of soda. Only in extreme cases can phosphorus-containing beverages actually cause harm to the human body and lead to calcium loss. "For healthy adults, proper consumption of soda will not damage the bones or cause osteoporosis if the calcium intake is sufficient." However, Iowa still recommends that young people in the growing period drink less carbonated drinks. .
Excessive sugar causes obesity
In a survey of up to 40,000 respondents from California, the researchers found that adults who drink carbonated drinks every day are excluded from the risk of being overweight than not drinking carbonated drinks if they exclude income and ethnicity. The person is 27 percentage points higher.
“Although China does not have exact statistics, in our daily lives, children and young people will have more health problems with carbonated beverages such as cola and sprite. This is really worrying.†Pediatric chief physician Wang Xuemei said.
Drinking too much carbonated beverages, in addition to causing obesity and causing calcium loss, can also cause children to fight. Recently, a new US survey found that children who regularly drink carbonated drinks may be more prone to aggressive behavior, inattention, and disharmony. The researchers found that children who drank 4 or more cups of carbonated drinks a day were twice as likely to ruin other people, quarrel with others, or beat others than those who did not drink carbonated drinks.
In addition, drinking too much carbonated beverages is not good for the stomach, but it also greatly affects digestion. Because a large amount of carbon dioxide inhibits the bacteria in the beverage and inhibits the beneficial bacteria in the human body, the digestive system is destroyed. Especially young people, if they drink too much, the carbon dioxide released can easily cause bloating, affect appetite, and even cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, causing gastrointestinal diseases.
Regularly check bone density
Relevant data show that there are about 90 million osteoporosis patients in China, accounting for 7% of China's total population. In terms of Beijing alone, the number of patients with cervical spondylosis has exceeded 2.6 million, equivalent to one in every 10 Beijing residents who suffer from cervical spondylosis.
"The main causes of osteoporosis are changes in hormone levels, inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D in the diet, changes in female hormones and lack of physical exercise, and genetics, taking drugs that affect bone metabolism, smoking, alcoholism, etc." Aihua believes that More and more young office workers have bone problems that are inseparable from sedentary and lack of exercise.
Aihua said that for those who do not exercise regularly, you can start from a simple and low-intensity exercise, combining aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., to meet the oxygen demand of the muscles. At the same time, including lifting dumbbells, push-ups, sit-ups, etc., increase muscle strength and protect bone health.
"Muscle can protect the bones, and there are many muscles around the joints, which play an important supporting role. If these muscle strengths are reduced, the strength to support the body weight is not enough, the joint burden will be aggravated and become unstable." Emphasize that in order to stabilize the joints, it is necessary to train the muscles around the joints to protect the joints.
"Orythetic osteoporosis needs early detection, early intervention, and early treatment, and it has an ideal therapeutic effect." Aihua believes that in addition to people who drink coffee and carbonated drinks, check the bone density in the physical examination, in general, Young people do not have to check specifically.
Strong bones "three tubes"
Strong bones in summer, it is recommended to "three tubes", including: balanced diet, proper intake of foods with high calcium content; more exercise; more sun, vitamin D supplement.
To supplement calcium and strong bones, it is necessary to eat more foods with high calcium content on the basis of a balanced diet. For example, beans, tofu, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage and other vegetables, cereals and other cereals, shrimp skin and other calcium drinks, such as orange juice, soy milk, etc., are foods with high calcium content.
While paying attention to calcium supplementation, vitamin D can improve muscle function and is also essential for the absorption of calcium in bones.
In addition, proper outdoor exercise is also essential for strong bones. Summer is the season when the sun is very abundant. Ultraviolet rays in the sun can promote the body's absorption of calcium and promote bone calcification. Therefore, people often run outside during this time, at least 1-2 hours of outdoor activities every day, is very conducive to strong bones.
Source: Technology Daily
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