Liqiu marks the beginning of a warm and bright temperature from spring and summer when it is about to enter the cold, and the temperature will drop. The Tuen food of the Tuen food will be changed to the winter season for preparing for the winter. The weaker female comrades must pay attention to health, and after the beginning of autumn they should pay attention to the occurrence of these diseases.
As the autumn climate is hot and cold, it is a season of cold and flu. Therefore, we must follow the "cold-resistant exercise from the beginning of the autumn," the law, pay attention to weather changes in time with the addition and subtraction of clothes.
Chronic bronchitis is more sensitive to changes in the climate. Autumn grass leaves, airborne allergies are more, is one of the causes of bronchitis induced. Avoid contact with allergic factors. In addition, good mood can enhance the body's immunity and resistance, and the room needs to circulate fresh air.
The human body is stimulated by cold air, histidine in the blood increases, gastric acid secretion increases, and gastrointestinal contractions occur. In addition, due to the cooler climate, people’s appetite is buoyant, causing the burden of gastrointestinal function to increase, leading to the recurrence of stomach problems. In addition to keeping warm, such patients should exercise, improve the blood circulation of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the incidence of the disease, pay attention to a reasonable diet, eat less meals, regularly ration, quit smoking.
When entering the autumn, on the one hand Shushi transpiration, on the other hand chills attack, prone to cold joint pain outside the cold. Therefore, patients should pay attention to keep warm and cold, especially after the sweat should not be immediately exposed to cold water or bath with cold water.
Autumn rain
In autumn, low air pressure and high humidity can affect people’s blood pressure and urine output, causing depression and depression in some people. Humidity of the weather is also conducive to the growth of bacteria, will greatly increase the human typhoid fever, dysentery, various digestive diseases and skin diseases.
There are many mosquitoes in the skin in autumn, and redness and itching appear after the bite, and secondary infections such as impetigo can occur after scratching. Therefore, after being bitten by mosquitoes, you should not scratch it. You can apply balm, cool oil, swelling, and itching.
Qiuzao disease Qiuzao is the most dangerous part of the human body is the lungs. Therefore, we should actively strengthen exercise, enhance lung function, and prevent the occurrence of pneumonia. Dietary care is also a positive factor, should eat less spicy food, eat more yin and lungs of food, such as pears, radishes, etc., in order to enhance the moisture of the lungs.
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