Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) is a component of coenzyme A, which plays an important role in many biochemical processes and is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Symptoms of pantothenic acid deficiency: The chicks showed impaired growth, rough feathers, short bones, and then dermatitis; limited palpebral-like lesions in the mouth; palpebral palps on the edges of the eyelids; often stuck in mucus; cloacas and toes appeared to cause walking difficult. The necropsy showed atrophy of the thymus, erosion of muscle and gastric mucosa, and gallbladder enlargement. When the eggs produced by the hens hatch, the embryos mostly die in the last two or three days of the incubation period but no lesions.
When the symptoms are not serious enough, it can be completely restored by feeding diets rich in pantothenic acid or oral pantothenate 10 mg to 20 mg. Pantothenic acid is widely found in animal and plant feeds and is therefore named. However, yeast, green fodder, rice bran, heads, peanut cakes are the most abundant. All cereals contain a certain amount of feed, while corn has the lowest content.
Folic acid is a B vitamin that is widely found in green vegetables. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that controls pernicious anemia. It participates in the synthesis of methyl groups, and the synthesis of heme must involve methylation. If there is a lack of folic acid, it will produce a disorder of hematopoietic muscle, resulting in pernicious anemia. The lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 can disrupt the metabolism of nuclear proteins and lead to nutritional anemia.
Folic acid deficiency symptoms: poor growth of chicks, abnormal feathers, anemia, and short bones. Eggs produced by the hens have high embryo mortality at hatching. The severely anemic chicks were injected intramuscularly with folic acid between 50 micrograms and 100 micrograms and returned to normal within one week. The oral effect was slightly poorer. In the diet with appropriate bean cake, yeast, lotus root powder can prevent folic acid deficiency.
Plant leaves, animal organs and muscles, yeast, bean cake, lotus root starch, and bran are all sources of folic acid. Subfacts and eggs contain a lot of folic acid. Corn lacks folic acid.
Niacin (nicotinic acid or vitamin PP) is relatively stable and is not easily destroyed by heat, oxygen, light and alkali. It is a vitamin that is involved in the enzyme system in the body. It plays a major role in the metabolism of the body's carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. When the body lacks nicotinic acid, it can cause metabolic disorders.
Symptoms of niacin deficiency show loss of appetite, slow growth, fluffy feathers, lack of luster, swollen hocks, short bones, crooked leg bones, and a difference between manganese and choline-deficient bony defects. Less slipped from the cheekbones.
Supplementing diets containing more niacin in the diet can prevent deficiencies. In the event of suspicious lack of symptoms, the addition of 10 mg niacin per kilogram of feed will soon be effective. However, when the symptoms of short bones have appeared, it is difficult to be effective.
Rice bran, wheat, barley, bran, peanut cake, fish meal, yeast and green feed in the feed are all rich sources of niacin.
Symptoms of pantothenic acid deficiency: The chicks showed impaired growth, rough feathers, short bones, and then dermatitis; limited palpebral-like lesions in the mouth; palpebral palps on the edges of the eyelids; often stuck in mucus; cloacas and toes appeared to cause walking difficult. The necropsy showed atrophy of the thymus, erosion of muscle and gastric mucosa, and gallbladder enlargement. When the eggs produced by the hens hatch, the embryos mostly die in the last two or three days of the incubation period but no lesions.
When the symptoms are not serious enough, it can be completely restored by feeding diets rich in pantothenic acid or oral pantothenate 10 mg to 20 mg. Pantothenic acid is widely found in animal and plant feeds and is therefore named. However, yeast, green fodder, rice bran, heads, peanut cakes are the most abundant. All cereals contain a certain amount of feed, while corn has the lowest content.
Folic acid is a B vitamin that is widely found in green vegetables. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that controls pernicious anemia. It participates in the synthesis of methyl groups, and the synthesis of heme must involve methylation. If there is a lack of folic acid, it will produce a disorder of hematopoietic muscle, resulting in pernicious anemia. The lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 can disrupt the metabolism of nuclear proteins and lead to nutritional anemia.
Folic acid deficiency symptoms: poor growth of chicks, abnormal feathers, anemia, and short bones. Eggs produced by the hens have high embryo mortality at hatching. The severely anemic chicks were injected intramuscularly with folic acid between 50 micrograms and 100 micrograms and returned to normal within one week. The oral effect was slightly poorer. In the diet with appropriate bean cake, yeast, lotus root powder can prevent folic acid deficiency.
Plant leaves, animal organs and muscles, yeast, bean cake, lotus root starch, and bran are all sources of folic acid. Subfacts and eggs contain a lot of folic acid. Corn lacks folic acid.
Niacin (nicotinic acid or vitamin PP) is relatively stable and is not easily destroyed by heat, oxygen, light and alkali. It is a vitamin that is involved in the enzyme system in the body. It plays a major role in the metabolism of the body's carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. When the body lacks nicotinic acid, it can cause metabolic disorders.
Symptoms of niacin deficiency show loss of appetite, slow growth, fluffy feathers, lack of luster, swollen hocks, short bones, crooked leg bones, and a difference between manganese and choline-deficient bony defects. Less slipped from the cheekbones.
Supplementing diets containing more niacin in the diet can prevent deficiencies. In the event of suspicious lack of symptoms, the addition of 10 mg niacin per kilogram of feed will soon be effective. However, when the symptoms of short bones have appeared, it is difficult to be effective.
Rice bran, wheat, barley, bran, peanut cake, fish meal, yeast and green feed in the feed are all rich sources of niacin.
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