Foot-and-mouth disease is an acute, hot, and highly contagious disease in pigs, cattle, sheep and other major domestic animals and other domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals. There are more than 70 kinds of susceptible animals. The clinical feature is blistering rash in the oral mucosa, hooves and breast skin. The disease has many transmission routes and is fast. It has repeatedly been widespread in the world, causing huge political and economic losses. In view of this, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) ranks it as the top class A infectious disease.
In recent years, the incidence of foot-and-mouth disease has been very high. Since 2009, 12 cases of foot-and-mouth disease and blue-ear virus have infected pigs. In April 2010, foot-and-mouth disease recurred. The incidence in the south was particularly obvious. In November 2010, foot-and-mouth disease re-emerged. As a result, the price of live pigs has been fluctuating from high to low and from high to low.
Case symptoms
The incubation period of the disease is 1-7 days. On average, the cattle suffering from 2-4 days' disease are depressed, closed, runny, and have sucking sounds when they open. The body temperature can rise to 40-41°C. One to two days after the onset of disease, the diseased burdock, lingual surface, and the inner surface of the lip showed large blisters ranging from broad bean to walnut, and the sputum increased and appeared white foamy. Feeding and rumination stop. The blister ruptures after a day and night and forms an ulcer, and the body temperature gradually returns to normal. Blisters can also occur on the soft skin of the toe and the crown of the mouth, or at the same time as or after the blisters occur in the oral cavity. Water blisters are also sometimes found on the skin of the nipples. The disease is generally benign, after about a week can be self-healing; if the foot has lesions can be extended to 2-3 weeks or more; mortality 1% - 2%, the disease type is called benign foot and mouth disease. Some diseased cows in the healing process of mink suddenly suffer from a sudden deterioration of their condition, general weakness, muscle trembling, rapid heartbeat, irregular rhythm, loss of appetite, rumination, unsteady walks, unsteady standing, and sudden death from cardiac paralysis. The disease type is called malignant foot-and-mouth disease and the mortality rate is as high as 25% to 50%. Yaks often do not see the characteristics of blister when the disease, mainly as hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and myocarditis, the mortality rate is extremely high.
In addition to the lesions of the mouth and hooves, there were blisters and plaques in the esophagus and rumen mucosa; hemorrhagic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract; serous infiltration in the lungs; and a large amount of cloudy and viscous fluid in the pericardium. Malignant foot-and-mouth disease can be seen in the cardiac section of gray or white stripes and normal mydriasis along with the line, like tiger-striped markings, commonly known as "tiger heart."
Foot-and-mouth disease lesions are typically easily identifiable, so it is not difficult to make a preliminary diagnosis in conjunction with clinical disease investigations. The diagnostic points are:
1 The incidence of acute, rapid epidemic, widespread, high incidence, but the mortality rate is low, and mostly benign;
2 a large number of gangsters, showing a kind of lead;
Three mouth sores were well-defined (oral mucous membranes, hoof and nipple skin), and the lesions were specific (blebs, erosions);
4 Malignant foot-and-mouth disease can be seen tiger spot heart;
5 For further diagnosis, animal vaccination tests, serological diagnosis and differential diagnosis can be used.
treatment method:
The traditional treatment that is not seriously affected can be applied to the affected area with dexamethasone sodium phosphate + ribavirin + B12. It is necessary to administer some Chinese herbal medicines, such as Jingfenbaidu. Because foot-and-mouth disease is caused by a virus infection, it is very important that livestock live in a good and comfortable environment. It is especially important to provide livestock with a dry and comfortable environment to avoid livestock disease, such as the use of the Treasure Fermented Bed Fermentation technology, which is based on microbiological and ecological principles and the use of uniquely active complex microbial populations that are continuously stable. It is a new environment-friendly breeding mode that converts waste animal waste into gas, useful substances and energy, and achieves pollution-free, zero-emissions targets for complete degradation of excreta. Deodorization and environmental protection, zero emission, keeping animals away from odorous environment, living in a comfortable environment with fresh air, can effectively resist the invasion of foot-and-mouth disease virus, and can also reduce the occurrence of other animal diseases. Animals rarely use drugs, meat quality is better, the selling price Will be higher. In addition, Jinbao dry-fermented aquaculture technology also has the advantages of saving energy, saving water, saving labor, and saving feed. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline:
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