Greenhouse radish best way to plant

The winter season has become a busy season for large numbers of farmers to grow radish. How do we receive more in the same conditions?

To make a substantial increase in production, we must work hard on character. Only good character has a good harvest. The growth of radish requires certain soil conditions. Only by finding suitable soil environmental conditions can the goal of high yield be achieved.

Soil consists of minerals, organic matter and microorganisms. It is the basis for the growth and development of radish. The beneficial microorganisms in the soil directly add to the formation and development of a series of soil fertility such as the conversion of matter and energy in the soil, the formation and decomposition of humus, the release of nutrients, and the fixation of nitrogen. The use of artificial methods to increase the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the soil can enhance the activity of microorganisms in the soil, thereby increasing the fertility of the soil. In particular, the microbial activity of the radish rhizosphere soil microecological flora is more important for plant root nutrition. Therefore, application of microbial fertilizers in the rhizosphere of radish plants will increase the amount and activity of beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere soil, resulting in enhanced soil fertility.

The application of Kumba fungus fertilizer can increase soil fertility and increase yield of radish. The specific practices of Shikin Baby Bacteria are as follows:

Bio-hormone stimulates radish growth Microbiology of microbial bio-fertilizer produces large amounts of gibberellins and cytokines both in its fermentation process (which can be understood as the microbial self-enrichment process) and in the course of life activities in the soil. Substances and other substances, these substances in contact with the radish root system, will regulate the metabolism of radish plants, stimulate plant growth, so that the radish yield increase effect.

To reduce pathogenic bacteria by positive pressure and reduce the risk of microbial growth in the plant roots, microbial growth, resulting in the formation of dominant bacteria, thus inhibiting and reducing the invasion of pathogens and breeding opportunities, and played a role in reducing crop diseases (can image Understand it as "positive pressure". This will reduce the use of pesticides, improve radish quality and increase yield.

Stimulating organic matter to release nutrient-rich organic matter After microbiological activities, it can continuously release the nutrients needed for the growth of radish plants to achieve a long-term fertilizer effect.

Soil fertility protection and improved environmental enrichment of organic matter can also improve soil physical properties, increase soil aggregate structure, so that the soil is fluffy, reduce soil compaction, is conducive to water conservation, fertilizer, ventilation and promote root development, to provide suitable micro-radish Ecological growth environment.

Influenza Vaccine

Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried Exclusively authorized by the WHO in China WHO
Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried is a cooperative project with the WHO, which has been included in Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines (GAP)[1]. Hundreds of millions of doses have been used in the world, and Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. has the exclusive right of production and

operation in China.

Intranasal spray administration, no injection and no pain

The vaccine is inoculated by nasal spray, equipped with nasal spray device, and only needs to spray once a year in two nostrils to prevent influenza.
Mucosal immunity + Cellular immunity + Humoral immunity

After influenza virus attacks human body, it widely exists in nasal cavity, respiratory tract and other mucosal parts, as well as in body fluids and cells.
Vaccination of Influenza Vaccine, Live, Nasal, Freeze-dried can quickly stimulate the triple immune response of human body, and carry out defense
against viruses in different parts:
·Intranasal administration can produce mucosal immunity (IgA antibody), which forms the first immune defense line in the nasal cavity.
·Produce humoral immunity (IgG antibody) to remove influenza virus from body fluids.
·Produce cellular immunity (T cells) to remove influenza virus from cells
3+N More extensive protection
The production strains are recommended and supplied by the WHO every year.
The vaccine can not only effectively resist the vaccine strain, but also produce cross immunity to other subtypes of influenza virus.

Produced with SPF embryonated eggs

The chick embryos for vaccine production comes from SPF (specific pathogen free) chicken flocks, so the risk of exogenous pathogenic microorganism

pollution is excluded.

Free of inactivator, split agent and preservative

High protection and fast antibody production

This is the first influenza vaccine in China that has been evaluated by the protection effect of etiology in clinical stage. The protective effect of phase III
clinical trial is consistent with the literature[2] .
First, the immune barrier was formed in the nasal mucosa after LAIV vaccination. It has been reported that the antibody of nasal mucosa can be
produced in 3 days[3], which greatly shortens the time for vaccine to produce
protective effect.

Influenza Vaccine,Influenza Vaccine Development,Influenza Vaccine Strains,Flu Vaccine

Changchun BCHT Biotechnology Co. ,

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