High-yield Cultivation Technique of Greenhouse Celery

The celery has strong resistance to stress and high yield, which is suitable for the production of plastic solar greenhouses. According to production experience, when the celery is produced in a plastic solar greenhouse, the following measures are taken to promote the increase of yield. Soil fertigation. After the greenhouse is built, 5000-6000 kg of high-quality farmyard fertilizer, 50 kg of superphosphate and 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate are applied to the surface of the land, and then ploughed again. The depth of cultivation is about 30 cm. It is 1.5 to 1.8 meters in level.

Selection of high-yield and high-quality varieties. In greenhouse production, it is possible to select Italian winter celery or American celery with good yield, and also select solid celery celery and glass brittleness. Different varieties, their production capacity is very different, some types of mu production is only 3000-4000 kg, while the high yield of good varieties of up to 8500 kg per mu.

Applicable live. In the cultivation of celery, seedlings are commonly transplanted. However, according to production experience, when celery is produced in a plastic solar greenhouse, the use of direct seeding is more advantageous because it does not injure the root system and does not reduce seedlings. Strong roots, strong absorptive capacity, and full use of fertilizers and waters are conducive to the vigorous growth of the above ground and the promotion of yield increase. Generally should be sowed 10-15 days after the shed, sowing should be sowed before sowing, good sensation when the shallow sowing, plentiful when the appropriate deep sowing to facilitate the whole seedlings.

Growth period management. It mainly includes two aspects: celery growth period management and environmental management.

Growth period management: When the celery seedlings grow to three true leaves, the seedlings are distort with a 13 cm spacing. Timely cultivating and weeding, when it grows to five true leaves, it starts to water and often keeps the ground moist. When the petiole is 10 centimeters long, it begins to top-dressing, catching about 10 kilograms of ammonium per acre, and chasing ammonium bicarbonate every acre after 25 centimeters. 15 kg, watering in time after top dressing to facilitate the absorption and utilization of fertilizers by plants and promote growth. When the petiole length is about 40 cm, timely harvest.

Environmental management: In the early stage of sowing, due to the high outside temperature, it is necessary to strengthen the ventilation and control the temperature between 18°C ​​and 20°C. After entering the month of December, when the outside air temperature becomes cold, it can be covered as early as possible to increase the temperature in the greenhouse and keep the temperature at about 20°C. Celery is a wet crop. During the cultivation process, the ground should always be kept moist. The celery does not require strict light, and the appropriate low light is beneficial to the growth of celery. The daily illumination time can be 6-9 hours.

The celery's petiole has a strong ability to regenerate. It adopts the method of harvesting or harvesting to promote the increase of yield. Each time the pods are harvested, 3-4 leaves per plant are planted. After fertilizing, the fertilizer should be timely fertilized and watered. - 5 cm, after the cut should be applied per acre high-quality farmyard fertilizer, 2000-3000 kg, timely watering after application.

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