Under normal feeding conditions, the cost of cow feed accounts for more than 60% of the production cost of fresh milk. Therefore, the reasonableness of the diet combination is not only related to the performance and health of dairy cows, the use of feed resources, but also directly affects the economic benefits of dairy cows. The factors that affect the dietary mix of cows are: cow weight, milk production, milk composition (milk fat, milk protein percentage), the lactation stage of milk, cow parity. The following factors can affect the utilization of nutritionally balanced diets by dairy cows: 1 palatability of the diet; 2 feeding times per day; 3 feeding methods; (such as complete mixed feeding method, computer controlled concentrate feeding method and first Rough feeding after feeding, etc.); 4 feeding methods; (single feeding or group feeding).
Basic principles of dairy cow diet coordination: 1 Based on feeding standards, and make necessary adjustments for specific conditions (such as ambient temperature, feeding method, feed quality, processing conditions, etc.). 2 Make full use of local feed resources and mix feed reasonably. For example, malt root and corn germ cake can be used to reduce feed cost and save concentrate. 3 Pay attention to the overall balance of nutrition, and adjust the proportion of relevant raw materials in the feed formula according to the feed quality price or season, feeding method. In addition, it is necessary to select raw materials with appropriate volume and good palatability.
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Venlo structure is a popular one at present. This architecture uses horizontal girder as main bearer, forming a stable structure with columns. There is consolidation between horizontal girder and column, and hinge is used to connect column and foundation.
In Venlo greenhouse, foundation is made of reinforced concrete and the side wall is made of brick or reinforced concrete plate. The steel frame always use hot dip galvanized light steel. Roof beam adopts horizontal girder structure and using herringbone connection. The horizontal girder bears 2 or more roofs, which is made of aluminum alloy. This material is used as roof structure material and also glass inlay material. Other beams using gutter style to minimize the section. Delighting material of the roof and side wall using the hollow double-layer or multilayer PC board.
PC board is mainly made of PC/PET/PMMA/PP materials, it need sun screen coating to resist ultraviolet resist and ageing, and it is also required to be anti condensation and antidrug.
As a kind of light material, use PC board can greatly reduce the weight of greenhouse structure, and corresponding reduced the size of the steel frame, which saving the cost of steel.
Pc Board Venlo Greenhouse,Venlo Greenhouse,Venlo Type Pc Sheet Greenhouse