Grazing grazing, grazing autumn and fall should be appropriate to extend the grazing time, late after the evening to return late, so that each sheep can eat grass, eat enough. After the autumn harvest, we must promptly rush the sheep to the land where the crops have been harvested, squat autumn leaves, eat the weeds and the scattered grains, grasp well, and get on the fast.
Prepare enough grass and good winter stalks to collect a variety of grasses, hay, leaves, leaves, and crop stalks according to the number of sheep's heads and their needs. All can be fed through ammoniation, alkalization, and heap storage. Making silage and fermentation feeds. Among the concentrates, corn, barley, bran and cakes, and agricultural and sideline products such as distiller's grains are all good feeds for sheep, but the feed must be mixed and fed to achieve diversification.
Live in warm circles, prevent the cold before entering the winter must be a good repair sheepfold, to prevent the intrusion of thieves. Doors and windows should be closed with plastic film, and grass curtains should be hung at night. The ground should be dry and not frozen to prevent cold and dampness. In the cold winter months, as long as the sheep are allowed to live in a warm enclosure, the loss of heat from the sheep body can be greatly reduced. This will prevent the sheep from catching cold, prevent colds, and ensure that the sheep will survive the winter.
Appetizing with salt, drinking salt and appetizing water, can help digestion, but also stop yeast, the sheep is not easy to bulge belly, less incidence. If there is insufficient drinking water, the sheep's blinds (stomach and stomach) and the nose will be dry. The sheep will not love to eat grass. It is also easy to get blinds. However, sheep can't drink too cold water, but they can't drink ice water or well water. Because the weather is cold in winter, drinking cold water will make the body temperature suddenly drop, and it's easy to have a cold and fever. In particular, pregnant sheep can not stand, easy to abortion, loss is great, so it is best to drink warm water.
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