Normally developed lambs can feed a large amount of pasture when they are 3 to 4 months old and have independent living skills. They can turn to weaned sheep for weaning. Lamb weaning time is 4 months old. Some delays to more than six months directly affect the growth of mother and child. In order to allow the ewes to rejuvenate and catch fleas as soon as possible, they will be able to achieve a certain body condition at the time of the next breeding, and at the same time, in order to promote the rapid development and maturation of the sarcoma reticulum, increase the intake of fibrous substances, increase the weight gain of lambs, and save feed. Promoting early weaning of lambs is a necessary technical measure. Early weaning depends on the body condition of the lamb. It is usually 2 to 3 months old. In recent years, in the production of fat lambs in foreign countries, the lambs have been weaned earlier, and in the UK, they have been weaned for fattening for 1.5 months. Because according to the lamb's post-natal intake, it is possible to use the feed effectively as an adult sheep at the age of seven weeks after birth and leave the ewes for weaning. The main points of early weaning techniques are: 1. Feeding starter: The starter is a digestible, soft and scented wet material. For example, 180 grams of milk, 1 fresh egg, 1 tablespoon of fresh oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 to 2 times a day, supplemented with nutrients, can also be milk substitutes for early lambs. 2, wealing gradually. For example, if the ewes and lambs are reduced daily, they will have the same time. 3, after weaning should choose high-quality grassland for grazing, so that the lamb eat and eat well. 4. The sheep house must be kept clean and dry to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea in the lamb. Ewe can be transferred to reduce lamb stress. When the ewes are weaned, feed concentrates should be stopped to prevent the occurrence of chymic inflammation.
4 Channel Vehicle Monitoring System
Four channel vehicle monitor system Package typically includes a combination of display screens, cameras, connecting cables, and other accessories necessary for installing and operating the system in a vehicle. Here's a breakdown of the basic features and differences between the SA-KC44, SA-KC44D, and SA-KC44DP products in a table format:
Vehicle security system,GPS vehicle monitor system,unmanned aerial vehicle monitoring system