In late rice, the late rice planthoppers overlap from generation to generation, often being “multigenerational family churchesâ€, and the harm is mainly brown planthoppers. The short-winged adult species of the brown planthopper are often “bellied fecesâ€, and they have large food intake, fast breeding, and the breeding of “harmonious insect pestsâ€. , Rapid harm, such as poor control, easy to cause a greater loss of late rice production. In addition, most rice fields in late rice have no aquifers, and the late rice population is large. It is difficult for liquid medicines to enter the lower part of rice groves, which makes it more difficult to control pesticides. Some peasant households think that they are close to the harvest period, often holding a fluke to relax their alertness, and that the brown planthopper quickly jeopardizes the disaster. In the 3 days to 5 days before the harvest, there is a "empty top" seedling, and the result is "a loss of success." lost heavily. Therefore, the prevention and control of late-season rice planthoppers must be taken seriously, and it should be done in an ingenious manner.
According to the prevention and control indicators of medication in the younger nymphs (larvae) at the peak of the prevention and treatment, pests are not strong resistance, but also did not cause harm to the late rice, so the best control effect. Due to different insects and generations, late rice nymphs of late rice cultivars often have multiple peaks. If they are used for drug control each time, they are not only difficult to do, but also cause serious environmental pollution and kill natural enemies. The control effect is not necessarily good. . In view of late-season rice planthoppers, “multigenerational generationsâ€, it is best to seize the nymphs and control them according to prevention and control indicators. In the late stage of late rice, hybrid late rice has one instar and two instar nymphs from 1500 to 2000 per 100 larvae, and conventional rice should be classified as a controlled field when there is one larvae per 100 instars and 1000 to 1500 larvae in second instars. The N. lugens nymphs are divided into five instars. The first instar nymphs are yellowish white, and the back of the abdomen has a convex light-colored markings on the center; the second-instar nymphs are yellow-brown and the convex markings on the back of the abdomen are not clear; the third-instar nymphs are brown and brown. The wing buds began to appear; the wing buds of the fourth instar nymphs were distinct, and the tips of the forewings and hindwing buds were close to or flat; the fifth instar nymphs had more wing wings than the hind wing wing buds, and the wing tip and abdomen had waxy white horizontal stripes. In addition, the adult body has a thicker body color, brownish or dark brown, in which the long wings of the adult wing cover over the abdomen, and the short winged adult hind wings do not cover the abdomen. According to these characteristics, from early rice heading until harvesting, close attention should be paid to investigations to understand the pest situation and to control the disease.
There are many natural enemies to protect the natural enemy, the brown planthopper, which has a great effect on its occurrence and damage. For example, the natural enemies of the brown planthopper, eggs of Trichogramma species, black-lipped green-nosed lycopene, etc., and the main natural enemies of the late rice brown planthopper adult and nymph stage are tarantulas. When the ratio of spiders reaches 1:8-9, it can control the damage of brown cormorants. . Therefore, the use of pesticides such as dichlorvos and fast-killer to control rice planthoppers often stimulates the occurrence of rice planthoppers. This is because a large number of natural enemies have been killed, causing the rice planthoppers to lose control of natural enemies. In recent years, the promotion of no-tillage techniques for straw returning has played a role in protecting the spiders in paddy fields. Therefore, when the paddy field spiders spread the “celestial netâ€, it must be protected. Based on the control of pests and diseases based on prevention and control indicators, try to choose pesticides that have less impact on natural enemies, such as the use of low-toxic pesticides such as imidacloprid and bupropion in the control of rice planthoppers, and do not use dichlorvos, carbenoxime, diterpenoids, and mixtures. Wei Wei and other high-toxic pesticides.
The selection of pesticides Currently, farmers use more dichlorvos, fast-killing, etc. Because of long-term application of these agricultural contracts, rice planthoppers have produced significant resistance to them, resulting in unsatisfactory control effectiveness. In view of this, the control of rice late planthopper in late rice is mainly imidacloprid, supplemented by bufalin. Imidacloprid trade name is more, such as scorpion net, Shuguang, once again net, Dagong Chen, Kang Fuduo, Imidacamine, Gao Qiao, Aimi Le, etc., is an efficient insecticide, its insecticidal spectrum Wide, rapid drug efficacy, strong absorption, long duration (10 days to 15 days), low toxicity and safety, rice planthoppers have not yet produced significant resistance to it. Buluoxin, also known as Ulead, buprofezin, is characterized by a long potency (effective period of up to 30 days), safe to the environment and natural enemies, has a good killing effect on young nymphs and eggs, but the efficacy of drugs is slow , It usually takes 5 days to 7 days to work, but it is not effective for senior nymphs. For the control field, grasp the young nymph stage and spray it with 20% imidacloprid 2500-3000 times in time. If there are many peaks of insect pests, use 667 square meters with 10% imidacloprid 25g-30g, 25 % Bu Xi Ling 20 g ~ 25 g diluted to 2500 times liquid to 3000 times liquid spray.
Improve the method of application before application, in accordance with the width of 2.5 meters or so hatching (heading period should not be caught, should be carried out after the milk period), the formation of operation, easy to apply the liquid to the base of the rice grove in order to facilitate Contact with parasites (imidacloprid and buprofezin are both contact and stomach poison insecticides); if they can be aquifers, combined with gap irrigation at the time of application, it is best to store about 7 cm depth of shallow water layer, spraying In the next three to four days, do not let the water out of the field, do not put water into the field, let it dry naturally. Considering that it is difficult for late rice liquid to enter the base of the rice paddy, the coarse spray (spray sprayer nozzle) can be used to make the liquid as much as possible into the base of the rice paddy. Generally, the liquid amount of 667 square meters is 70 kg to 80 kg, and the rice plant will spray in the lower part. If there is a drought in the paddy field, then 667 square meters with 10% imidacloprid 30 grams, 25% Buprofimone 25 grams of water 300 kg, Sheng in the dung barrels, with a stool spoon pouring on the base of the rice paddy. It is best to apply the pesticide after 4 pm to prevent the effects of high temperatures on the efficacy of the drug.
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