First, use the top bud
The test proved that after the potato's tail bud became a plant, the yield was only 1/3 of that of the top bud or lateral bud plantlet, so the top bud and the strong bud were left when cutting the seed potato.
Second, seed potato disinfection
When you cut the seed, you need to use a potassium permanganate solution to cut the knife and then cut it. After cutting, mix the grass and ash to make the wound heal as soon as possible to prevent germ infection and preserve the seedlings.
Third, fine germination
Soak the seeds with 1-2 mg/L gibberellin solution for 5 to 10 minutes. After the gibberellin treatment, mix them evenly with the wet soil at a ratio of 1:1. Then spread the germination bed to a width of 1 m and a thickness of 30 cm. Covered with moist soil 7-8 cm thick above and around. Ensure that the temperature is 18 ~ 20 °C, air humidity of about 70%, 10 days after the bud, buds grow 1 cm to allow seed to see the light, and promote potato shoots thick green to ensure that after planting seedlings.
Fourth, the choice of suitable
Choose sandy and loamy soil with good soil and drainage, and the former is better for grass or legumes.
Fifth, cover high ridge cultivation
Covered with high ridge cultivation, it can increase loose soil in the rhizomes of living soil layer, which is conducive to stem extension, and can increase the temperature of the soil to meet the temperature required for early rhizome development.
Sixth, timely earth
Hair rooting should pay attention to soil cultivation, on the one hand can pressure weeds in the film, on the other hand to promote the formation of more litchi potato, avoid litchi out of the soil into the ground branches, or to avoid seeing the light green potatoes, increase production Has an important role.
Seven, formula fertilization
Potato needs a lot of nutrients throughout the growth and development period, and formula fertilization can meet the demand of crop growth and development on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements, especially in the tuber enlargement period, can greatly increase production.
VIII. Spraying Chestnut
In the flowering period of potato plants, spraying 1-2 times with a 0.2% concentration of Chlorella solution can effectively control the growth of plants, promote the early formation of tubers, early maturity, and increase the rate of large and medium tubers.
Nine, ethephon flowers
The available part of the potato is the underground tuber, and flower buds need to consume large amounts of nutrients. Spraying 40% ethephon for 2000 times in the flowering stage can eliminate the flower, which can make the nutrient concentrate supply tubers.
X. Chemical weeding
The fleshy roots of potato can grow horizontally in the soil. Mechanical weeding can easily cut off the root extension of the fleshy roots, resulting in artificially reduced yields. Therefore, the combination of pre-mulching herbicides and manual extraction to prevent grassland can effectively increase the yield.
XI. Magnesium promote production
When the plant is 45 cm tall, that is, when the tuber is inflated, the magnesium sulfate is chased after the water-solubilization, which not only yields high yield, but also accumulates more starch with good quality.
Twelve, foliar fertilizer
In the case of applying base fertilizer, spray 0.1% of magnesium sulfate, 0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1,000 times of triacontanol solution on the leaf surface every 10 days from the exhibition leaf, spraying 3 to 5 times , can significantly increase production.
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