Piglet birth prevention

After birth, piglets are a type of congenital tremor. The disease mainly occurs in piglets that have just arrived, and the rhythmic tremors in the limbs, head or body are clinical features, and adult pigs are latent or chronic infection.


Clinical symptoms Pregnancy sows do not have any abnormalities, and piglets tremble from birth to hours after birth. Under normal circumstances, some of the symptoms of a litter of piglets are mild, and all the symptoms of the disease are heavier. The tremor is a diverse dance movement and is continuous. When the piglets were lying on the ground, the tremors decreased, and the tremors stopped during sleep, but they trembled after standing up. The forelimb tremors were often dog-sitting. Sick pigs have difficulty moving, can't eat milk, and get sick when they are stimulated by noise, fright, cold, and excitement. The course of the disease varies from pig to pig, and the light often returns to normal 2 to 8 weeks after the onset of the disease. The weight often dies due to severe tremors or paralysis of the limbs, paralysis or difficulty in eating milk. Piglets with tremor disappearance will still develop under stress conditions. Sick piglets are generally alive and well after 1 week of birth.

Control measures There are no effective preventive vaccines and specific treatments for this disease. Prevention of this disease mainly depends on general health and epidemic prevention measures. Do not introduce sows from pig farms with the disease, and take care to prevent various stress stimuli. When piglets do not have breast milk, they must be artificially assisted or artificially breast-fed, which will allow most sick pigs to recover naturally and reduce death.

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