Pomegranate peel protects intestinal probiotics
Pomegranate is an autumn-ripe berry with a juicy fruit and a sweet and sour taste. It is popular with people. In addition to being edible, pomegranate also has high medicinal value, among which the pomegranate peel has the widest medicinal range. Chinese medicine believes that the pomegranate skin is warm and non-toxic, and enters the lungs, kidneys, and large intestine. It has the functions of astringent intestinal stop-stopping and insect killing. It is commonly used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and other intestinal diseases. Modern studies have found that the pomegranate peel contains a large number of biologically active phytochemicals, such as gallic gallic acid, flavonoids lupurubin, quercetin, terpenoid oleanolic acids, and organic acid bears. Acid and so on. These phytochemicals have antibacterial, antiviral, digestive, insecticidal, intestinal flora, antioxidative effects, and certain protective functions against chemical liver damage.
Domestic scholars have studied more about the role of pomegranate in regulating intestinal flora. Researchers usually use pomegranate skin fried water or pomegranate peel extract for in vitro or animal experiments, and even do human experiments. The researchers also found that pomegranate peel has obvious inhibitory and killing effects on many enteric pathogens or conditional pathogens, such as Salmonella typhi, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Shigella, E. coli, and Enterococci. Bacteria that are beneficial to the intestine, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, have protective effects, thus confirming that the pomegranate peel can maintain a beneficial flora in the intestine.
In some remote rural areas, common people use pomegranate skin Jianshui to treat bacterial diarrhea and dysentery. Daily drinking with 15-20 grams of dried pomegranate skin is a good way to maintain health. Long-term adherence to drinking can help to delay aging, improve blood sugar and abnormal blood lipid metabolism.
Pomegranate is a treasure
The moisture content per 100 grams of edible pomegranate pulp was 79.1 g, calories 63 kcal, protein 1.4 g, fat 0.2 g, carbohydrate 18.7 g, dietary fiber 4.8 g, vitamin C 13 mg, and potassium 218 mg. Compared with other fruits, its dietary fiber content is high, which is very helpful for improving intestinal function; vitamin C of pomegranate fruit is significantly higher than apples and pears. Although the content of phytochemicals in pomegranate pulp is not as much as that of the peel, the regular consumption of pomegranate juice helps digestion, lowers blood fat, lowers cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. In recent years, studies have shown that regular and appropriate drinking of pomegranate juice can also help prevent prostatitis and prostatic hypertrophy. Studies abroad show that pomegranate juice is a more effective antioxidant juice than red wine, tomato juice and so on. However, from the perspective of TCM health, people with weak health and yin deficiency should take pomegranate.
Eat pomegranate meat and don't eat pomegranate
Pomegranate fruit is also known as the pomegranate, which also contains the same nutrients and phytochemicals in the pomegranate rind and flesh. However, the human gastrointestinal tract cannot digest the hard pomegranate husk and therefore cannot absorb the beneficial components. If the pomegranate is swallowed together with the flesh, there is a risk of gastrolithiasis. Recently, it has been suggested that the best way to eat pomegranates is to chews and pound the pulp and fruit directly. I think this is undesirable because it may directly harm the teeth. Even if the chewing garnet is swallowed, what beneficial ingredients can be absorbed and used? Moreover, this way of eating makes it difficult to swallow the original pomegranate. If you need for health care, you can choose to eat pomegranate extract processed through modern techniques.
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